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"5 Surefire Ways to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle to Reduce Obesity"

5 Effective Ways to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle to Reduce Obesity

Dream - Obesity is a global problem that threatens public health worldwide, including in Indonesia.

The Director of Non-Communicable Disease Prevention and Control (P2PTM), Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Eva Susanti S.Kp M.Kes stated that the obesity cases in Indonesia have experienced a significant increase over a period of 10 years, from 10.5 percent in 2007 to 21.8 percent in 2018.

5 Effective Ways to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle to Reduce Obesity

Therefore, obesity needs to be seriously addressed because it falls into the category of diseases. "Currently, obesity is classified as a disease that requires comprehensive intervention," said Dr. Eva Susanti S.Kp M.Kes at the World Obesity 2024 event at Glass House, Habitate Jakarta, on Monday, March 4, 2024.

5 Effective Ways to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle to Reduce Obesity

Obesity occurs due to the accumulation of fat in the body as a result of an imbalance between energy intake and energy used for activities. "Not only paying attention to body weight, but also the composition of fat in the body," said nutrition expert, Putri MJ, S.Gz. Not only that, Putri MJ, S.Gz also stated that unhealthy behaviors such as rarely engaging in physical activities, smoking habits, lack of fruit and vegetable consumption, as well as excessive consumption of sugar, salt, and fat also contribute to obesity.

"Obesity is also a frightening specter because this condition becomes a risk factor for non-communicable diseases such as diabetes mellitus, heart disease, cancer, and hypertension. But don't worry, here are effective ways that you can apply to lose weight and live a healthier life."

1. Consult with a Nutrition Expert for Calorie Diet.

Obese individuals require special intervention from nutrition experts to discuss their nutritional needs so that the experts can create an appropriate diet. A calorie deficit diet can be achieved by reducing daily calorie intake by 300-350 calories.

<b>1. Konsultasikan ke Ahli gizi untuk Diet Kalori</b>

"For obese people... they need their own nutritional intervention, yes. So... I suggest that if someone is obese, they should consult with a nutritionist to create an appropriate diet. Usually, a calorie deficit diet is reduced by around 300-350... calories in their needs,""
ucap Putri MJ, S.Gz. - Greetings Putri MJ, S.Gz.


2. Apply Balanced Nutritional Eating Patterns

A balanced diet is also very important. The guidelines for portion sizes in one meal that are in line with the principles of balanced nutrition 'Fill My Plate'. 'Fill My Plate'. In one meal, my Dream friend can compose food with one-third of half a plate for protein. Two-thirds of half a plate for staple foods, one-third of half a plate for fruits, and two-thirds of half a plate for vegetables.

"Prepare at home, breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack that we need to prepare, we choose, we eat according to the principle of Fill My Plate."


3. Active Movement and Regular Exercise

People with obesity can adopt a healthy lifestyle through exercise. For obese individuals, it is recommended to exercise for at least 150 minutes per week to achieve weight loss. The exercise should be measured and take into account the duration. In addition, Dream friends can combine cardio with weightlifting.

"It is also recommended to exercise for at least 150 minutes per week to achieve weight loss. So, exercise should not be done randomly, but it must be properly measured and its duration must also meet the standards. Additionally, the exercise can be a combination of cardio and weight lifting to achieve weight loss,\u201d"

words Putri MJ as a nutrition expert.


4. Reduce Consumption of GGL (Sugar, Salt, Fat)

The recommended daily intake of sugar by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia is 4 tablespoons or 50 grams per day, for salt consumption it is 1 teaspoon or 2000 milligrams per day. Additionally, for fat consumption, it is recommended to have 5 tablespoons or 5 grams per day. Both obese individuals and those with ideal body weight are advised not to consume more sugar, salt, and fat than the recommended amount.

5. Pay attention to Food Nutrition Labels

Then it is necessary to pay attention to the nutritional label on each package in accordance with BPOM regulations. For obese people, this nutritional label can be used as a reference to see the nutritional content in food and can be used to compare the nutritional content of one food with another.

"Jadi Badan POM, kan sudah membuat informasi nilai gizi. Di situ ada tulisan, apa... zat gizinya berapa kandunganya, kemudian satu sajinya berapa, dalam satu kemasan berapa saji. Nah itu aja yang harus diperhatikan. Artinya kalau satu sajian itu gulanya udah tinggi, kemudian kita liat produk yang lain. Kita bisa bandingkan, kita bisa pilih yang sesuai," kata Pratiwi Yuniarti Martoyo, STP, M.P." "So, the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (Badan POM) has already provided nutritional value information. There, it states the content of nutrients, the serving size, and the number of servings in one package. That's the only thing that needs to be considered. It means that if one serving has a high sugar content, then we can look at other products. We can compare and choose the one that suits us," said Pratiwi Yuniarti Martoyo, STP, M.P."

Report: Ade Feri Priyatin

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