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"5 Healthy Foods Recommended by Nutrition Experts After Exercising"

5 Healthy Foods Recommended by Nutrition Experts After Exercise

Dream - Eating the right food after exercise is very important to help the body replenish energy, rehydrate, strengthen muscles, and recover.

5 Healthy Foods Recommended by Nutrition Experts After Exercise

"\u201cAfter exercising, you don't need to eat a lot, but it's also not good if you don't eat at all,\u201d said Leslie Bonci, Registered Dietitian and Owner of Active Eating Advice in Pittsburgh."

5 Healthy Foods Recommended by Nutrition Experts After Exercise

According to Bonci, food after exercise serves to refuel while cooling down. Here are some foods recommended by nutrition experts to be consumed after exercising.

1. Chocolate Milk

Chocolate milk is a very good choice after exercising. Why? Because this drink contains everything Sahabat Dream needs, including carbohydrates, protein, fluids, and electrolytes. "Chocolate milk helps replenish glycogen stores and alleviate muscle soreness after exercising," said Tara Collingwood, a registered dietitian and sports dietitian in Orlando, Florida. So, besides being delicious, chocolate milk can also help the body recover faster.


2. Whole Wheat Toasted Bread and Eggs

Eggs are an excellent source of protein. Each large egg contains about 11 grams of protein. If Sahabat Dream combines eggs with whole wheat toast, you will get the perfect combination to replenish the energy burned during exercise. Whole wheat bread provides the complex carbohydrates that the body needs for recovery.

5 Healthy Foods Recommended by Nutrition Experts After Exercise

3. Smoothie

Smoothie is a delicious and easy way to get the necessary nutrients after exercising. Fruits and vegetables in smoothies contain antioxidants that protect cells from exercise-induced damage. If Sahabat Dream adds whey protein powder to it, your smoothie can help with muscle recovery and reduce muscle damage after exercising. Try a combination of fruits like bananas, berries, and spinach for a healthy and refreshing smoothie.


4. Yogurt and Fruit

Yoghurt is a high source of protein, while berries contain carbohydrates and antioxidants. "The combination of yoghurt and berries replenishes your muscle glycogen stores and helps muscle recovery," explains Collingwood. One cup of yoghurt can provide about 20 grams of protein. Sahabat Dream can add various types of fruit to increase its nutritional value and make it more delicious.


5. Drink Sufficient Water

Not less important, make sure Sahabat Dream drinks enough water after exercising. If exercising for one hour or less, regular water is sufficient to keep the body hydrated. Source:

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