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"60 Words Welcoming the Month of Ramadan Full of Islamic Advice"

Dream - Ramadhan is a moment eagerly awaited by Muslims around the world. When the star-filled sky lines up, one by one, the footsteps of time will lead us to this month full of grace. Not only as a month of fasting, Ramadhan is a precious moment to reflect, enhance spirituality, and draw closer to the Creator.

Before Ramadan, it is not uncommon for us to send greetings to family and friends through social media, wishing them well and encouraging them to observe fasting. However, do not forget to include words that welcome the month of Ramadan, full of Islamic advice, as a reminder for oneself and others.

60 Words Welcoming the Month of Ramadan Full of Islamic Advice
60 Words Welcoming the Month of Ramadan Full of Islamic Advice

The translated text with preserved HTML tags: "Words welcoming the month of Ramadan that are full of Islamic advice not only strengthen faith, but also convey messages of goodness, guidance, and motivation for Muslims. Hopefully, through these words, we can all reflect, introspect, and draw closer to Allah SWT."

Words Welcoming the Month of Ramadan Full of Islamic Advice

1. Welcome, blessed month of Ramadan. May we be able to observe it with sincerity and share love and compassion with others. 2. In this holy month, enhance the quality of your worship and avoid any actions that displease Him. 3. Ramadan is the right time to seek forgiveness and improve oneself. Make the most of this opportunity.

4. In this blessed month, increase reading the Al-Qur'an and set your heart to practice it throughout the year. 5. Do not forget charity, because in this month Allah rewards charity with multiplied blessings. Share with those in need. 6. Let us diligently worship in the month of Ramadan, cleanse the soul and body in this holy month. Guard yourself from sin and stay away from the temptations of Satan.

7. Prepare your heart to welcome the month of Ramadan with sincere intentions, because Allah sees all your deeds and sacrifices. 8. Use the time of breaking fast to pray, remember Allah, and ask Him to forgive our sins. 9. Be grateful for the blessings of fasting, because through it we can experience the poverty and hunger experienced by our less fortunate brothers and sisters.

10. In this month of forgiveness, improve your relationships with family, neighbors, and fellow Muslims. Invite them to perform worship together with joy. 11. Avoid futile actions and unbeneficial debates in this holy month. Focus on worship and increasing taqwa (God-consciousness) towards Allah. 12. Use the pre-dawn meal time (sahur) as a time to pray and ask Allah for strength to perform worship throughout the day.

13. Welcome the month of Ramadan with a smile and joy. Do not let the burdens of life affect your spirit of worship. 14. Let us compete in goodness in this holy month. Compete in helping others, compete in forgiving each other, and compete in getting closer to Allah. 15. Stay steadfast in performing worship in the month of Ramadan. Make this month the beginning of a better change and getting closer to Him.

Words Welcoming the Month of Ramadan Full of Islamic Advice

1. Let us take advantage of the moment of Ramadan to increase our acts of worship and draw closer to Allah. 2. In this month of great nobility, make fasting a lesson to control desires and enhance patience. Have a blessed fasting worship!


3. Ramadhan is the right time to introspect ourselves and improve our spiritual life. Let's reflect on every step we take. 4. Spending time reading the Al-Quran and contemplating its meaning is the best deed we can do in the month of Ramadhan. 5. Do not waste this opportunity by occupying ourselves with things that are not beneficial. Utilize our time with valuable acts of worship. 6. Ramadhan is a moment to improve relationships with others. Let's foster good relationships and increase acts of kindness.

7. Let's improve the quality of our prayers this month, not only by performing them but also by feeling the presence of Allah in every prostration. Happy fasting! 8. Stay away from worldly temptations that can hinder the blessings of Ramadan. Focus on worship and worship sincerely. 9. One of the best things we can do this month is to give charity to those in need. Show love and kindness to others.

10. Ramadhan is a month for us to share and give. Let's share happiness with our less fortunate brothers and sisters. 11. Don't forget to control our speech in this month. Don't say anything bad or hurtful to others, but fill it with beautiful and loving words. 12. Have a blessed fasting in this month full of grace. May we be able to observe fasting to the best of our abilities and attain abundant rewards. Have a blessed fasting worship!

13. Controlling oneself in facing temptations in this month is a test as well as a lesson for us. Make Ramadan a platform to enhance piety.
14. When fasting, remember that Allah knows all of our actions, including thoughts and intentions in our hearts. We must keep our hearts pure and sincere in worship.
15. Welcome, O Ramadan, a month full of goodness and forgiveness. Embrace it with joy and enthusiasm. May we be able to experience this blessed month well and succeed in attaining Allah's pleasure.

Words Welcoming the Month of Ramadan with Joy and Happiness

Welcome, the blessed month, Ramadhan that we have been eagerly waiting for with joy, where the gates of hell are closed and the gates of heaven are wide open. Marhaban ya Ramadhan, a month full of happiness and joy. Ramadhan has arrived, bringing blessings and unparalleled joy to Muslims around the world.

Welcome with a smile, the month of Ramadan filled with blessings and joy. The joyful atmosphere welcomes the arrival of the month of Ramadan that brings blessings and happiness. Ramadan has arrived, bringing joy and peace in the hearts of every Muslim. Happy fasting! Happy Ramadan, a month full of blessings that brings joy to everyone who celebrates it.

Celebrate, Ramadan has arrived to bring happiness and blessings in every step of our journey. With a joyful heart, we welcome the blessed and good month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the perfect time to be grateful and celebrate the presence of this joyful month. Happy fasting! Let us welcome Ramadan with joy, as it brings unparalleled blessings and joy.

The sound of takbir accompanies the arrival of the holy month of Ramadan, filled with joy and happiness. Welcome, Ramadan, which brings an atmosphere of joy and blessings in every corner of the world. In the boundless excitement, we welcome Ramadan, filled with happiness and blessings. Ramadan has arrived, bringing abundant happiness and joy to those who observe it with sincerity and joy.

Words Welcoming the Month of Ramadan Full of Islamic Advice

Words Welcoming the Month of Ramadan Full of Islamic Advice

1. Welcome Ramadan, may we be granted smoothness in performing the fasting worship. 2. Let us together welcome Ramadan with hearts full of joy and happiness.

3. Welcome to the blessed month of fasting, may we receive forgiveness and blessings from Him. 4. May this month give us the opportunity to improve ourselves and become better individuals. 5. With all our hearts, let us pray for the world to be free from various disasters and the ongoing pandemic. 6. In the month of Ramadan, let us enhance our worship and devotion to Allah SWT.

7. Welcome the month of Ramadan, may our worship be accepted by Him and bring benefits to ourselves and those around us. 8. Let us strive to become more patient, wise, and spread goodness in this month of Ramadan. 9. In this blessed month, let us forgive each other and improve our relationships with others. 10. Happy fasting, may our meeting with the night of Lailatul Qadar be a moment full of blessings.

11. In this month of Ramadan, let us increase the recitation of the Quran and multiply our acts of charity. 12. Let us extend greetings and wishes of justice to our less fortunate brothers and sisters in this blessed month.

60 Words Welcoming the Month of Ramadan Full of Islamic Advice

13. Let us welcome the month of Ramadan with joy and a heart full of love for others. 14. In this month of Ramadan, let us enhance the quality of our worship and do as much good as possible. 15. Welcome Ramadan, may goodness and blessings always accompany our steps in worship and daily life.

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