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Apart from Elephants, Here is a List of Animals with Large and Wide Ears

Apart from Elephants, Here is a List of Animals with Large and Wide Ears

"Not only elephants, it turns out there are several other animals that have big ears. Check out the facts below!"

Big and wide ears are often a prominent characteristic of several animals in the world. Not only elephants are famous for their big ears, but there are many other animals that have remarkable ears in terms of size and function. These big ears are not just a part of their bodies, but also play an important role in their daily lives, such as aiding in hearing, regulating body temperature, and communication. To find out more about what animals have big ears, let's take a look at the following article!

1. Gajah

1. Elephant

Elephants are known for their large ears, making them a very unique animal. Of all the animals on earth, it can be said that elephants have the largest ears. Although their size and shape vary, male elephant ears can reach a width of up to 2 meters and a length of 3 meters. Elephant ears help regulate body temperature and aid in communication and hearing. Elephants use their ears to listen for danger from a distance, helping to protect themselves from predators. The large surface area inside the ear helps dissipate heat and cool the body.

2. Koala

2. Koala

Koala is also known by its scientific name Phascolarctos cinereus, which is a native animal of Australia. Koalas do not have ears as big as elephants. However, their ears are certainly larger compared to their face and body. They weigh between nine and 33 pounds and are about 24-33 cm tall. Their wide ears provide them with exceptional hearing. Koalas are able to hear predators such as dingoes and foxes before they approach. Their large ears also make it easier for them to climb trees as koalas can use their ears as an extra hand to hold onto branches.

3. Fennec Fox

3. Fennec Fox

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Fox is an omnivorous animal whose main food is insects, such as termites, spiders, and grasshoppers. However, foxes also search for small rodents, small mammals, eggs, and berries. Foxes rely on roots and plants to hydrate themselves when water is scarce. The fox's large ears add to the appeal of this animal and indicate its ability to hear prey beneath the sandy surface. Foxes also benefit from their flat-shaped ears to help dissipate heat more effectively."

4. Serval<br>

4. Serval

Serval (Leptailurus Serval) is a medium-sized wild cat that inhabits the African savannah. Its large ears help enhance sound waves. This allows it to detect smaller prey well, such as rodents and frogs. As a hunter, the serval uses its long legs to leap up to 3 feet in the air and pounce on its target. Despite being solitary in nature, servals form pair bonds during the mating season and are highly territorial. Despite their cute appearance, servals have very sharp claws and teeth, making them unsuitable as pets.

5. Kanguru Merah<br>

5. Red Kangaroo

The following text has been translated from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags: "The red kangaroo is the largest kangaroo species and can weigh between 88 and 200 pounds. It stands at a height of 4.9-5.9 feet and originates from Australia. The red kangaroo moves its large, round ears to help detect danger or other moving creatures from a distance. Its large ears also help the kangaroo stay alert and detect approaching predators, allowing the kangaroo to escape. The red kangaroo is a herbivorous animal, with 75% of its diet consisting of green grass."

6. Tapir or Aardvark

6. Tapir or Aardvark

As the largest insect eater in the continent of Africa, tapirs are impressive creatures. Tapirs' main food is insects such as ants and termites, and they can even eat up to 50,000 ants in one night. This animal has an average weight of 88-140 pounds and a height between 3.3-4.3 feet. Tapirs have an extraordinary hearing ability that helps them detect prey underground. Their ears amplify sound waves, allowing them to detect even the smallest footsteps.

7. Aye-aye

7. Aye-aye

Aye-aye is a unique animal because it has rodent-like incisor teeth and primate-like canine teeth. Its main food consists of larvae and maggots. However, aye-aye can also eat nectar, seeds, and fruits. Aye-aye has large ears that enhance sound waves, allowing it to locate hidden prey. This primate seems to be not closely related to other primates. However, in fact, aye-aye is closely related to chimpanzees and monkeys. Aye-aye weighs about 4 pounds and stands between 14-17 inches tall.

8. Slow Deer

8. Slow Deer

"The elk is a species of deer found in the western part of North America. Elk can weigh up to 331 pounds and reach a height of 6.9 feet. Despite their large size, these elk can run as fast as 45 mph and jump up to eight yards. The elk uses its large ears to help keep cool in hot climates and to listen for predators from a distance. In addition, their exceptional vision also serves to identify potential predators from distances of over 2,000 feet. \u00a0"

9. Sapi Brahman Amerika<br>

9. American Brahman Cattle

Brahman America is a hybrid cattle breed that originated from the Asian hump cattle breed. One distinctive feature of Brahman is its large hump on the shoulder and its curved horns. However, the most prominent feature is its large and droopy ears. These ears enhance its hearing and help Brahman stay cool in hot weather. In addition to its extraordinary physical traits, Brahman cattle are also known for their unique immune system and resistance to diseases. Due to their long lifespan, some of these cattle can produce offspring at the age of 15 years or older.

10. Kucing Caracal<br>

10. Caracal Cat

Caracals weigh between 25 and 45 pounds and stand 2 to 3.5 feet tall. This unique cat is found in forests, savannas, and deserts in Asia and Africa. Caracals have over 20 muscles in each ear, and each ear can independently rotate up to 180 degrees. The black tuft at the end of their ears acts like a radar dish, helping them locate prey even at night. Caracals are hunters capable of catching small mammals, birds, and rodents. They use their impressive jumping ability and exceptional night vision to capture birds in the air at heights of up to 12 feet.

11. Galago<br>

11. Galago

Galago is an amazing small creature. Galago is commonly known as a bush baby or nagapies in Afrikaans, which means "night monkey". This animal lives in the Sub-Saharan forest areas in Africa, characterized by round eyes and bat-like ears. This small and agile creature can jump up to 7 feet to protect itself from danger. Galagos mostly live in trees and feed by catching insects from the air. Their hearing is very helpful in catching food.

12. European Rabbit

12. European Rabbit

This animal is one of the largest rabbit species due to its physical characteristics, including long legs and tall black-tipped ears. European rabbits mostly consume plants and grasses, but they also supplement their diet with bark, shoots, and branches. Despite having many predators, this animal will evade them with its super speed ability. The European rabbit can reach a top speed of 45 mph in short distances. European rabbits will spend a lot of time gathering plants as their food.

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