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Danger, Don't Clean Tooth Gaps with Toothpicks Too Often
Danger, Don't Clean Tooth Gaps with Toothpicks Too Often Illustration. (Source: Shutterstock)

Dream - Eating processed meats like steak, satay, stew, or meatballs can cause food residue to get stuck in between teeth gaps. The fine meat fibers easily enter the gaps when bitten and are difficult to remove.

Many people have the habit of cleaning stuck food with toothpicks, including cleaning the area of decayed teeth. This can be dangerous. Why?

Quoted from, using toothpicks is not actually recommended for cleaning stuck food. Using them can increase the risk of infection because toothpicks are not sterile, they can cause bleeding gums, trigger tooth abrasion, create gaps between teeth, and also cause gum enlargement.


Photo: Shutterstock

What if there is food stuck in between teeth gaps? There are several safe ways that Dream Friends can do to clean it. Let's find out.


Gargling with Warm Water


Photo: Shutterstock

Gargling warm water for 30 seconds is claimed to make it easier to remove food because it softens the texture. Try this method immediately after eating and before brushing your teeth.

Using Mouthwash

Gargling with alcohol-free mouthwash can also help clean the gaps between teeth and the oral cavity. Mouthwash can also prevent infection if bleeding gums occur due to trying to remove food residue.

Brushing Teeth

Proper tooth brushing using a soft-bristled toothbrush can help clean the gaps between teeth from food residue. Make sure to move the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to make it easier to clean between teeth gaps.

Using Dental Floss

Using dental floss is easier and more effective for cleaning between teeth gaps and maximizing the use of toothbrushes so that food residue is not left behind.

Use dental floss with a fine thread to prevent bleeding gums. Make sure to use dental floss properly to completely remove food residue.

Using Water Flosser

A water flosser is a strong water spray used to clean all parts of the teeth. Use a water flosser to maximize teeth cleaning.

Don't forget to have your teeth checked by a dentist and fill cavities to prevent food from getting stuck and causing other problems.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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