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Pay Attention to the Beneficial Walking Techniques for Health, Don't Just Count Steps!

Pay Attention to the Beneficial Walking Techniques for Health, Don't Just Count Steps!

Learn Beneficial Walking Techniques for Health, Don't Just Count Steps!

Dream - Walking is a cheap and fun sport that brings many benefits to health. Someone who regularly walks will be protected from the risks of dementia, cardiovascular diseases, and even death.

Jangan Cuma Hitung Langkah

"Don't Just Count Steps"

During this time we often hear about the number of steps that must be taken in this sport. Many forget, you also need to pay attention to the correct way of walking.

"Observing the way of walking becomes important because no matter how much you step, the benefits will not be comparable to the few steps taken but done correctly. Instead of regretting that you have been diligent in doing light exercises but it turns out wrong, let's first pay attention to some things that you need to consider when walking."

<b>1.	Fokus pada Postur Tubuh yang Sejajar</b>

1. Focus on having an Aligned Body Posture

The correct body posture not only makes you walk lighter, but also breathe and move more efficiently.

The following are some tips for maintaining proper and aligned body posture while walking: Stand up straight. Keep your head upright, do not let it protrude forward from your body. This will make your back and neck tense. Focus on the path ahead, keeping your gaze forward. Ensure that your shoulders and arms are relaxed. Keep your stomach tight and your pelvis neutral. Also, make sure your ribs are aligned with your pelvis. Additionally, your hips, knees, ankles, and big toes should also be aligned.

2. Observe the Feet

The correct way to step when walking is to start by placing the heel on the ground, followed by the ball of the foot, and then the toes in a rolling motion. This will help distribute the pressure evenly on the lower part of the body while walking.


In addition, it is also very important for you to pay attention to the rhythm of walking. Longer and less frequent steps can increase pressure on the joints, while shorter steps will feel lighter. Ideally, the ideal number of steps for our body is 100 steps per minute.

Learn Beneficial Walking Techniques for Health, Don't Just Count Steps!

Besides movement and rhythm, the selection of shoes also affects walking activities, you know. Rusty Sarhan, CPT, RRCA Certified Running Coach, recommends using specialized running or walking shoes because they are lightweight, have soft heel cushions, and support various walking styles.

3. Be cautious when walking.

Known as the easiest way to burn calories, walking is often considered a low-risk activity. However, there are other things you need to pay attention to besides body posture and walking style when walking outdoors.


When walking outside, the risk of tripping over sidewalks, potholes, or uneven ground can happen. Especially if it's dark. Therefore, it is very important for you to pay attention to your surroundings and walk carefully.

Learn Beneficial Walking Techniques for Health, Don't Just Count Steps!

If you choose to walk on a treadmill, try not to hold on to the treadmill handles, okay? Doing this may make you feel safe, but it will actually hinder your movement and exercise.

As an alternative, you can fasten the treadmill safety clip to your clothes, so that if you lose your balance and fall, the clip will trigger the belt to stop, preventing injuries. Report by Marha Adani Putri/ Source: is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to get the latest information on this link https:\/\/\/DreamcoidWAChannel.

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