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Experience of Dream Hunting Flash Sale Cheap Books Rp100 Rupiah at BBW

Experience of Dream Hunting Flash Sale Cheap Books Rp100 Rupiah at BBW

Pengalaman Berburu Flash Sale Buku Murah Rp100 Rupiah di BBW

"Dream - For book lovers, Big Bad Wolf (BBW) Bookish Wonderland is definitely a magnet for hunting books."

Pengalaman Berburu Flash Sale Buku Murah Rp100 Rupiah di BBW

Including Dream journalist, Ferdike Yunuri Nadya, who not only collects favorite books but also tries to buy flash sale books priced at Rp100 rupiah.

"Flash sale runs three times a day from Monday to Friday. \u201cThis flash sale is the main highlight. It takes place at 14.00 WIB, 18.00 WIB, and 20.00 WIB,\u201d explained Uli Silalahi, President Director of Big Bad Wolf Indonesia at the Big Bad Wolf event on December 26, 2023."

"Reminder Flash Sale"

Before the flash sale, Dream saw the Big Bad Wolf team circling the bookstore and announcing that there will be a Flash Sale for one book priced at Rp100 rupiah. A total of 50 to 100 books will be sold cheaply at Rp100 perak during different time periods until January 7, 2024.

Pengalaman Berburu Flash Sale Buku Murah Rp100 Rupiah di BBW

"This flash sale book is indeed abundant for children. The quantity varies from 50 to 100 books in one day," "

"ungkap Uli Silalahi" translates to "revealed Uli Silalahi" in English.

“Buku flash sale ini memang banyaknya untuk anak-anak. Jumlahnya tergantung ada 50 hingga 100 buku dalam satu hari,” <br>

"Join Flash Sale"

"Dream follows the flash sale at 14.00 WIB where the bell signifying the flash sale is rung. Dream immediately queues together with the visitors to compete for the book."

Pengalaman Berburu Flash Sale Buku Murah Rp100 Rupiah di BBW

One by one, visitors approached the cart to take books from the officer. Well, for the books, they will be chosen by the officer, so Dream cannot choose the desired book. However, the distributed books are not just random books. One of them is a mathematics book for children. One book titled Simple Math is priced at Rp20 for the normal price, but during the flash sale, it is only Rp100 rupiah.

And if Sahabat Dream is lucky, they can get high-quality books that cost hundreds of thousands for this flash sale. BBW Bookish Wonderland opens from 10.00 to 22.00 WIB and offers millions of books and discounts up to 90%. In the Special Discount area, Sahabat Dream can buy 3 books and get 1 free for a special selection of English books.

Pengalaman Berburu Flash Sale Buku Murah Rp100 Rupiah di BBW
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