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Penting Tapi Sering Diabaikan, Saatnya Kenalan dengan 6 Jenis Istirahat<br>

Important But Often Overlooked, It's Time to Get Acquainted with 6 Types of Rest

The basic human needs called rest apparently have a more complex dimension than just sleep. Perhaps everyone acknowledges that rest is very important for maintaining health and body balance. However, many still overlook the variations and types of rest that are actually needed by the body.

Can't be denied, sleep often becomes the primary choice for resting. However, it turns out there are various other types that play an important role in maintaining physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In addition, each individual surely has different rest needs. Well, by understanding these variations, it can help create a balanced rest pattern. Curious? Let's check out the following explanation!

1. Physical Rest

Physical rest plays a crucial role in maintaining body health. This rest is often needed when someone's body feels tired after activities. Getting enough sleep can be a solution to fatigue. However, there are also other ways such as yoga, stretching, and reflexology massage.

Penting Tapi Sering Diabaikan, Saatnya Kenalan dengan 6 Jenis Istirahat

2. Mental Rest

When you want to maintain a balance of mind and reduce stress, it means you need to take a mental rest. One of the efforts that can be done is meditation, which is effective in relieving anxiety. In addition, it is important to give yourself time to rest from all work/assignments pressures. This aims to maintain mental stability.

3. Social Break

Maybe for some people, socializing is a tiring thing. Especially if regularly involved in interactions with many people. If that happens, what is needed is social rest. This can be beneficial to balance the energy between exhausting interactions and beneficial interactions.

Penting Tapi Sering Diabaikan, Saatnya Kenalan dengan 6 Jenis Istirahat

4. Emotional Rest

High levels of stress can make a person emotionally exhausted. Well, to recover from it, try to provide emotional rest. This can start by giving oneself space to pour out their heart to someone trusted. It is even better to visit a professional psychologist who understands emotions better.

5. Sensory Break

This type of rest involves efforts to reduce sensory stimuli and provide time for the body's senses to rest. Simply put, this can be done by staying away from noisy or brightly lit environments. This can help create a peaceful space for sensory rest. In addition, using meditation techniques or listening to calming music can also support this rest.

Penting Tapi Sering Diabaikan, Saatnya Kenalan dengan 6 Jenis Istirahat

6. Spiritual Rest

"Maybe some people have felt empty in their lives. This could be caused by a lack of spiritual connection and clear life goals. Therefore, getting closer to the Creator becomes important to revive life goals and a sense of ownership. As a first step, this can be started by participating in studies or getting involved in charity events."

That is some types of rest that need more attention. Starting from physical to spiritual rest, all are needed for holistic balance in daily life. So, do not underestimate those types of rest, okay! Author: Nihel Rashiqa Rinaldo

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