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Can of Wafer Stuck on the Head of a Child from Tasikmalaya, Firefighters Intervene
Can of Wafer Stuck on the Head of a Child from Tasikmalaya, Firefighters Intervene Playing with a Can of Wafer, the Head of a Child in Tasikmalaya Got Stuck and Couldn't Be Removed

Dream - Childhood is a moment when curiosity is very high but sometimes doesn't take into account the risks. The same goes for a three-year-old child in Tamansari District, Tasikmalaya City, West Java.

He cried hysterically when the Firefighters (Damkar) team helped him remove the can of wafer that was stuck on his head.

The panicked parents initially tried to remove the can from their child's head. Unfortunately, the small hole in the can made it difficult to remove as it was tightly stuck on the child's head.

Not wanting to take any risks, the family quickly asked for help from the Tasikmalaya City Firefighters team to remove the can. The evacuation process was dramatic.

Instagram @damkar_kota_tasikmalaya113

According to the information from the Instagram account @damkar_kota_tasikmalaya113, the incident began when the child tried to put the can on his head. Unfortunately, the can got stuck.

The family tried to remove it but failed. The can remained stuck because it was tightly fitted around the child's head.

“On Sunday, July 30, 2023, the Tasikmalaya City Firefighters received a visit from the parents of Muhammad Gabriel, whose head was stuck with a can of wafer,” stated the post.

To facilitate the rescue process, three members of the Firefighters team were deployed. The officers decided to use a small grinder tool to cut open the mouth of the can.

Slowly, the mouth of the can was able to open. However, the can couldn't be immediately removed as it was still stuck on several sides.

The cutting using the grinder machine was done at several points to widen the can. The tearing of the can's mouth also had to be done carefully to avoid injuring the child.

In the midst of the situation, the child also appeared panicked and scared, crying hysterically. After 10 minutes, the mouth of the can was finally released. The family's happy expression was visible.

What made the evacuation process slow and quite difficult was determining a safe cutting point for the child.

“Alhamdulillah, the rescue process was successfully carried out in approximately 10 minutes,” wrote the account.

In the comment section, netizens immediately praised the Tasikmalaya City Firefighters' steps in rescuing the child.

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A post shared by Pemadam Kebakaran (@damkar_kota_tasikmalaya113)


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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