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Viral Mother and Daughter Give Birth Together, Her Child Mistaken for Twins
Viral Mother and Daughter Give Birth Together, Her Child Mistaken for Twins Viral Mother and Daughter Give Birth Together, Her Child Mistaken for Twins (dok.mstar)

Dream - Pregnancy is the greatest desire for married women. Many are even willing to do anything to have a child.

However, what this woman experienced was unique because she got pregnant at the same time as her mother. Even the aqiqah ceremony for the two babies attracted attention because they were mistaken for twins.

Interestingly, the baby is not only the same age, but also born on the same day. According to mstar, Nooraida Sohaima (43) is happy that her eldest daughter, Nurul Nazatul Shahira Mohd Jasni (23), is pregnant.


However, Nooraida also missed her period and immediately took a pregnancy test.

"Coincidentally, my daughter brought an extra kit for me to test and I was surprised when I found out I was pregnant. These two good news have been with us for about a week," said Nooraida.

"Imagine, it was 03:00 AM, and both my daughter and I were shocked. I think my daughter laughed and cried at the same time because she couldn't believe it. Well, my youngest daughter is 13 years old. So, I didn't expect to have another baby and who would take care of them," she continued.


The woman known as Ida Jasni said that during her pregnancy, she did many activities with her eldest daughter.

"We went to the doctor together for check-ups. I was craving for lambuk porridge (a traditional Malaysian dish) cooked by my mother in the village. Meanwhile, my daughter wanted crab dishes in Melaka. We went together as a family," said the Malaysian mother.

Ida underwent a caesarean section when she was 36 weeks pregnant. "The high blood sugar level due to gestational diabetes made the doctor suggest inducing labor at the beginning of the 36th week," she said.


Ida gave birth on April 20, 2023, at 11:32 AM, while her eldest daughter gave birth to her first child at 4:01 PM on the same day.

Ida's daughter is grateful that she and her mother could be together during childbirth with the help of her husband, father, and younger sister.

"It's not difficult to take care of the children and my sister because they are not fussy. When one sleeps, the other will wake up. So, we have enough time to rest. I take care of them in the morning, and my mother takes over in the afternoon after resting," said the woman known as Naz.

During the aqiqah ceremony, Ida Jasni and Naz found it amusing that many people thought the two babies were twins because they looked alike.

"Maybe they look similar in terms of their faces. But my daughter cries very loudly, while the grandchild cries more softly. We say 'uncle' (child) comes out first, then the grandchild," said Ida.

When Ida and Naz were pregnant together, people said they looked like siblings. Ida said that maybe someday her child and grandchild will also be like siblings.

"We want to celebrate birthdays together, send them to the same school. Alhamdulillah, I am given the strength to take care of my child and grandchild at this age," she said.

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Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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