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Child's Moment Visiting Father's Grave and Calling for a Response, Netizens Touched and Shed Tears
Child's Moment Visiting Father's Grave and Calling for a Response, Netizens Touched and Shed Tears Child's Moment Visiting Father's Grave and Calling for a Response

Dream - Children are known for their innocence and naivety, which sometimes makes their behavior touching.

The innocent and naive behavior of a child makes them behave as they please without knowing what actually happened.

As shown by a young boy in a video shared by the Instagram account @memomedsos.

In the 14-second video, a young boy is seen visiting his father's grave.

Child's moment calling for his father who has been buried.

Although his father has passed away and been buried, due to his naivety, the child still considers his parent to be alive.

With his innocence, the child calls out to his father, as if expecting a response to his babbling.

Child's moment calling for his father who has been buried.

"Daddy.. Daddy.. I'm here," the innocent child says while bowing his head over the mound of his father's grave.

The child seems to be greeting his father and whispering that he has come to the grave.

Of course, there is no response to the affectionate greeting from the child's father.

For a moment, the atmosphere is so sad because the child appears disappointed that his father didn't respond to his greeting.

The child remains silent while scratching his hands, even though he doesn't actually feel itchy.

Suddenly, the young boy says that he sees his father's hair lying inside the grave.

Child's moment calling for his father who has been buried.

"This is Daddy's hair," the child says as he puts his finger into a hole on top of his father's grave.

The video of the young boy calling his buried father as if he is still alive has touched netizens.

"Heartwarming! a child calling his father at the grave."

"Crying 😢 reminds me of my younger sibling, every time they go to our mother's grave, they say 'mom's house'."

"What I do every time I go to my father's grave. Hoping for a response 😢😢😢."

"Stay healthy, little one.. May you become a righteous and successful child ❤️❤️❤️."

Source: Instagram

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A post shared by MEMOMEDSOS (@memomedsos)


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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