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Istiqomah is Consistency in the Path of Allah: Definition, Evidence, Virtues, Examples, and Benefits
Istiqomah is Consistency in the Path of Allah: Definition, Evidence, Virtues, Examples, and Benefits Illustration of consistent congregational prayer (Photo:

Dream – Often we hear or even say the term istiqomah. Steadfastness is a term that is often spoken because it has a straight, upright meaning or in its original language, consistency.

A good Muslim is expected to be able to perform worship consistently. In addition, it is also necessary to maintain good character in daily life.

Becoming a steadfast person is more difficult than imagined. Steadfastness is an attitude that requires hard work and a sincere heart in order to become a steadfast person on the right path.

So what is the true meaning of istiqomah? And how can a Muslim worship with steadfastness? Here, Dream will discuss the understanding of istiqomah along with its virtues, evidence and examples of its application in daily life, as quoted from various sources. Not only that, Dream also presents the benefits of steadfastness for the formation of the character of Muslims, which is also important to know.

Definition of Istiqomah


The definition of istiqomah comes from the Arabic language, which means straight. Istiqomah is an act that strives to consistently maintain good deeds and not change them.

Istiqomah is to maintain faith and piety in the path of Allah SWT by continuously worshiping and obeying His commands while avoiding His prohibitions.

According to Khulafaur Rasyidin Abu Bakar Ash-Shidiq, istiqomah is the behavior of a person who does not associate anything with Allah or commit shirk. Moreover, according to Umar bin Khatab may Allah be pleased with him, istiqomah is something that should persist in one command and not engage in anything that is prohibited.

Usman bin Affan may Allah be pleased with him also mentioned that the meaning of istiqomah is sincerity. Meanwhile, according to Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Thalib, istiqomah is to fulfill the obligations commanded by Allah SWT.

Istiqomah According to the Views of Scholars


In addition to the views of Khulafaur Rasyidin, the definition of istiqomah is also presented by scholars. Ibn Abbas may Allah be pleased with him stated that istiqomah has three meanings: istiqomah in speech, istiqomah in the heart, and istiqomah in the soul, which means to continuously worship and obey Allah without ceasing.

Furthermore, Imam An-Nawawi stated that istiqomah is to remain in faith and obedience to Allah SWT, and to be on the straight path towards Allah SWT. Mujahid scholars also mentioned that the definition of istiqomah is a commitment to the declaration of faith uttered by a Muslim. Maintaining the oneness of Allah until the end of life is a clear proof of istiqomah.

Meanwhile, Ibn Taymiyyah expressed the opinion that istiqomah is a behavior of loving Allah and maintaining worship to Him without turning to the right or left.

Evidence of the Recommendation of Istiqomah


Muslims should always be able to be istiqomah to Allah SWT and always maintain their worship without turning away from Allah SWT for any reason. Allah SWT has commanded in the Quran about the command of istiqomah.

In addition, the Hadith of the Prophet Sholallohu 'alaihi wa sallam also mentions the recommendation to be istiqomah. Someone asked the Prophet: “O Messenger of Allah, please teach me something that is most important in Islam, and I will not ask anyone else afterward.” The Prophet replied: “Say, 'I believe in Allah,' then be istiqomah (consistently follow the commands and avoid the prohibitions).”

Virtues of Istiqomah


Istiqomah has several virtues for Muslims who practice it. Among the virtues of istiqomah are as follows:

In a verse in the Quran, Allah says that a Muslim who remains istiqomah in His path will always be provided with abundant sustenance. This is stated in Surah Al-Jin verse 16, which means:

“And indeed, if they had remained straight on the way (of Islam), We would have given them abundant provision.

The second virtue is being granted peace and having all sorrows lifted. Allah will grant peace and tranquility to those who are always istiqomah in His path. This is in accordance with the Quran, Surah Fushilat verse 30.

The Guarantee of Heaven for Those who are Steadfast


When someone is able to perform their worship activities consistently, they will receive the virtue of paradise as stated in the words of Allah in Surah Fussilat, verse 30, which means:

“Indeed, those who say, “Our Lord is Allah,” and then remain steadfast - the angels will descend upon them, saying, “Do not fear and do not grieve but receive good tidings of Paradise, which you were promised.”

The guarantee of paradise for those who worship with steadfastness is also mentioned in Surah Al-Ahqaf, verses 13-14, which means:

“Indeed, those who have said, “Our Lord is Allah,” and then remained on a right course - there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve. Those are the companions of Paradise, abiding eternally therein as reward for what they used to do.”

Actions Loved by Allah SWT


Steadfastness is an action that is consistently carried out on the right path. Although the good deed is small, if it is done consistently, it will be better than many deeds that are rarely done.

Such actions are loved by Allah SWT as stated in a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):

“Do what is right and good, and the most beloved deeds to Allah are those that are continuous even if they are few.” (Narrated by Bukhari).

Examples of Implementing Steadfastness in Life


Implementing steadfastness is highly recommended for Muslims, especially in daily life, especially in worship and social activities.

By implementing steadfastness, you will feel lighter when performing worship because you feel no burden. Here are some examples of implementing steadfastness in daily life:

  1. Always obeying the commandments of Allah SWT and avoiding His prohibitions in any condition.
  2. Performing the five daily prayers.
  3. Continuously learning and engaging in acts of goodness.
  4. Always obeying rules, whether at home, school, or in the community.
  5. Performing obligations with joy and comfort, without feeling forced or burdened.

Prayer for Steadfastness on the Path of Allah SWT


رَبَّنَا لَا تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا وَهَبْ لَنَا مِنْ لَدُنْكَ رَحْمَةً ۚ إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْوَهَّابُ

Rabbana laa tuzigh quluubanaa ba’da idz hadaitanaa wahablanaa min ladunka rahmah innaka antal wahhab.

Meaning: "Our Lord, do not let our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower."

5 Benefits of Steadfastness for Character Formation

Steadfastness is something important for daily life, including in the formation of a better character. If you are accustomed to being steadfast in goodness, including worship, work, learning, and others, it will make you have an integral and disciplined character.

Although it is difficult to be steadfast, nevertheless we must strive hard to achieve it. Because being steadfast will provide extraordinary benefits for oneself. Here are some benefits of steadfastness that you need to know for character formation:

1. Discipline and Self-Control

The benefit of steadfastness certainly affects discipline and self-control. If someone is accustomed to consistently doing good things, then they will not let themselves deviate from the path they should take. Gradually, a person will become more disciplined in their daily life. Both in terms of worship, work, and other good deeds.

2. A Person with Integrity

The benefit of steadfastness is that it can make a person have integrity. In essence, the meaning of steadfastness is closely related to honesty. Steadfastness will make a person more trustworthy because of their consistent behavior.

3. Boosting Self-Confidence

Not only is a steadfast person trusted by others, but the benefit of steadfastness for an individual is that it can boost self-confidence. This can motivate a person to achieve their goals, which will help them reach bigger and more challenging objectives.

4. Creating Accountability

Steadfastness will also create accountability in the individual. The results you achieve indicate the level of someone's consistency. When you know that you are deviating from the right path, your brain will respond that it should not be done, so you will hold yourself accountable. It means you are trying to align your thoughts, words, and actions to continue progressing and doing good.

5. Stand Out from Others

Istiqomah is a small repeated action that produces something great in the long run. For example, if you are consistent in performing the Dhuha prayer, it becomes a distinguishing factor between you and someone who is not consistent in performing it. Additionally, if you are consistent in waking up for the night prayer (Tahajjud), your body will automatically do it without being asked. This is what makes you stand out in the eyes of Allah SWT.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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