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Jokowi's Response to the Supreme Court's Cancellation of Ferdy Sambo's Death Penalty
Jokowi's Response to the Supreme Court's Cancellation of Ferdy Sambo's Death Penalty © MEN

Dream - The revision of the death penalty to life imprisonment imposed on former Kadiv Propam of the Indonesian National Police, Ferdy Sambo, has sparked controversy in society. The Supreme Court's decision has also caught the attention of President Joko Widodo.

The President emphasized that he respects the Supreme Court's decision to grant Ferdy Sambo's appeal against the death penalty. He stressed that all parties must respect the Supreme Court's decision.

"I respect the existing decision, we must respect it," said Jokowi at Dukuh Atas LRT Station, Jakarta, on Thursday, August 10, 2023.

Previously, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Mahfud Md, stated that practically, a life sentence for Ferdy Sambo is the same as a death sentence.

"In terms of quality, the death penalty and life imprisonment are practically the same. They are both punishments, either death or life, not a specific number of years," said Mahfud.

Mahfud also reminded that he had predicted that Ferdy Sambo's sentence could be commuted to life imprisonment. However, he requested that all parties respect the Supreme Court's decision.

"I previously said that practically, the death penalty for Sambo could be commuted to life imprisonment," he said.

Mahfud explained that if the death penalty is confirmed by the Supreme Court, it will not need to be executed. This is because when Sambo's sentence is due, the revised Criminal Code Law No. 1 of 2023 will already be in effect.

"According to the new Criminal Code Law, a death row inmate who has not been executed after serving a 10-year sentence can have their sentence commuted to life imprisonment," explained Mahfud.

For your information, in addition to Ferdy Sambo, the reduced sentence from the Supreme Court also applies to three other perpetrators, namely Putri Candrawathi, Kuat Ma'ruf, and Ricky Rizal. Each of them has had their sentence reduced.

Putri's sentence was reduced to 10 years from the initial 20 years. Kuat's sentence has been reduced to 10 years from the initial 15 years. Lastly, Ricky's prison sentence has been reduced by the Supreme Court to only 8 years from the initial 13 years.

Viral Photo of Ferdy Sambo Relaxing at Home, Not in Detention, Here's the Lawyer's Explanation

Dream - A viral photo of Ferdy Sambo sitting inside a house and not in detention has been circulating on social media.

The former Kadiv Propam of the Indonesian National Police is seen bowing his head in front of a table full of food. Ferdy Sambo is wearing a black t-shirt and sandals with the word 'Reebook' written on them. There is also a caption explaining the context of the photo.

The photo was uploaded by celebrity influencer Akbar Pera Baharudin, also known as Ajudan Pribadi, through his Instagram account today, Wednesday, July 12, 2023.

"After the incident, went straight to his house to give support," wrote the caption of the photo.

Ferdy Sambo's lawyer, Arman Hanis, denied that the photo was taken recently. He stated that the photo uploaded by Ajudan Pribadi was taken before Sambo was involved in the murder case of Brigadier Nofriyansah Joshua Hutabarat, also known as Brigadir J.

"That photo was taken before he was detained, it is clearly stated in the caption," said Arman, as quoted from

Arman confirmed that Ferdy Sambo is still being held at the Mako Brimob Detention Center in Kelapa Dua, Depok.

"Mr. FS is still detained at the Mako Brimob Detention Center," he said.

Meanwhile, the spokesperson for the Attorney General's Office (Kejagung), Ketut Sumedana, also confirmed that Ferdy Sambo is currently at Mako Brimob.

"The legal process has reached the Supreme Court, which has legally detained him. Physically, he is being held at Mako Brimob," he said.

Previously, the Supreme Court received Ferdy Sambo's cassation files, as part of his efforts to escape the death penalty for the premeditated murder case of Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat, also known as Brigadir J.

The Supreme Court spokesperson, Suharto, confirmed that they have received Ferdy Sambo's cassation files. So far, the team has been studying the completeness of the case files.

"The Supreme Court has received Ferdy Sambo's cassation files and others, and has examined the completeness of the files," said Suharto.

According to Suharto, they are currently processing the registration of Ferdy Sambo's cassation case for further trial. After that, the Supreme Court will propose a circulation request for the case.

"A new panel will be appointed, the case will be distributed to the new panel, and then the panel will review the cassation files," explained Suharto.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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