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Spent Rp232 Million Renovating Girlfriend's House, After It's Done She Cheated on Him
Spent Rp232 Million Renovating Girlfriend's House, After It's Done She Cheated on Him Spent Rp232 Million Renovating Girlfriend's House, After It's Done She Cheated on Him (Shutterstock)

Dream - There are many ways couples do to make their loved ones happy. Like giving gifts, attention, and priceless efforts.

But this man did something different. Instead of giving gifts, he was willing to renovate his girlfriend's house to make it luxurious.

Not only sacrificing his energy, the man was also willing to spend Rp232 million to make the residence according to his girlfriend's wishes.

Unfortunately, the man's sacrifice was repaid with infidelity. His girlfriend left him and chose to be with her affair partner.

The man shared his story on a Facebook account named Xuan Play and it went viral on social media.

He said it all started with his good intention to help renovate his girlfriend's place.


He narrated that his ex-girlfriend had just bought a unit in a condominium and wanted to renovate some areas to make it more comfortable to live in.

However, the woman ran out of money. Xuan Play felt guilty and ended up helping with the apartment renovation process and paying part of the cost.

"The budget was not enough for the renovation at that time. I really thought our relationship would lead to marriage," he said, as quoted from World of Buzz.

The amount he spent on the renovation was not small. Xuan dug deep into his pocket, spending RM7,000 or around Rp232 million.

How disappointed Xuan's heart was, after the renovation was completed, he was cheated on. The woman chose to leave him and turned to her affair partner, who turned out to be her coworker.

"I thought I was in a drama, it's hard to believe this happened to me. I tried to win her back because I loved her so much, but she told me to let her go because she was truly in love with her coworker," Xuan said.


Feeling heartbroken and disappointed, the man tried to ask his ex-girlfriend to reimburse the money he had spent on apartment renovation. He didn't mind if she only paid back half of it.

But apparently, there was no goodwill from his ex-girlfriend. Instead of repaying the money, the woman blocked all contact with him. This incident traumatized him and now he finds it difficult to believe in true love again.

"Tell me, how can I trust in love again?" he said.

Xuan's sad love story received various reactions from netizens. Some considered his story ridiculous, while others expressed empathy.

"Every life lesson will make you wiser," commented one netizen.

"She (his ex-girlfriend) will get karma. God will give you something and someone you deserve," another netizen wrote.

"Whether you're a man or a woman, as long as you're not married, be wise in spending money for each other," another netizen advised.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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