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Viral! Moments of the Arrest of Two 'Land' Crocodiles of Large Size Emerging from Under the Village Road, One Immediately Escapes
Viral! Moments of the Arrest of Two 'Land' Crocodiles of Large Size Emerging from Under the Village Road, One Immediately Escapes Moments of the Arrest of Two 'Land' Crocodiles

Dream - Usually we find crocodiles on the banks of large rivers, in swamps, or around estuaries.

But this following crocodile is truly strange. This giant reptile was found on land crawling out of the ground.

A viral video shows the thrilling moments of the arrest of the land crocodile, one of them immediately escaped.

The video of the arrest of the land crocodile was uploaded to the Instagram account @mksinfo.official, and immediately went viral on social media.

In the 21-second video, uniformed officers can be seen trying to capture a crocodile.

Viral crocodile capture in the middle of the village road.

The large crocodile emerged from a hole under the village road, which appeared to be in ruins.

Viral crocodile capture in the middle of the village road.

It is unknown how the crocodile ended up under the village road made of cement.

The crocodile can be seen struggling as the officers hold its neck with a special stick.

Viral crocodile capture in the middle of the village road.

Meanwhile, other officers try to restrain the mouth of the land crocodile with a rope.

However, the crocodile fiercely shakes its head, causing the grip on its body to loosen.

Fortunately, the rope remains wrapped around its mouth, even slipping onto the neck area of the land crocodile.

What caught attention during the crocodile capture process was the emergence of a second crocodile from the same hole.

Viral crocodile capture in the middle of the village road.

This newly emerged crocodile appears to be very agile as it moves to avoid the officers' grip.

The person recording the incident even lifts their leg onto an iron pole as the crocodile 'runs' towards the camera.

Viral crocodile capture in the middle of the village road.

Source: Instagram

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Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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