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Viral Well Said Never Dry Even Though Sucked by Many Water Machines, Pipe Appearance Makes You Dizzy
Viral Well Said Never Dry Even Though Sucked by Many Water Machines, Pipe Appearance Makes You Dizzy source:

Dream - In addition to using water from the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM), there are still many urban communities who use groundwater as a source of water for daily needs.

However, not all water in the ground can be used, especially consumed, because its quality may already be contaminated. In fact, there are many wells in urban areas that have become dry and no longer produce water.

However, a unique sight can be seen in the video uploaded by the Instagram account @dekorasi_rumah_idaman.


Viral Well Said Never Dry Even Though Sucked by Many Water Machines, Pipe Appearance Makes You Dizzy

The video shows a well in the city that still produces a large amount of water.

Not only one water machine sucks it, in the video there are many water pump machines that suck water from the well.

Viral Well Said Never Dry Even Though Sucked by Many Water Machines, Pipe Appearance Makes You Dizzy

One well, surrounded by dozens of water machines with all the pipes entering the well. There are so many pipes that they pile up on top of the well.

The same goes for the water pump machines which are seen tightly lined up around the well. Meanwhile, there are several people around who are observing the condition of the well.

"viral a well that never dries up even though it is sucked by many Sanyo water machines every day," wrote in the video.

Viral Well Said Never Dry Even Though Sucked by Many Water Machines, Pipe Appearance Makes You Dizzy

Unfortunately, the location of the well that is said to never dry up is not explained in detail. In addition, it is not known whether all the pumps are functioning and where the water is being channeled to.

However, this post went viral on social media and has been liked by more than 18.6 thousand other Instagram users. In addition, the video also received various responses from netizens in the comments section.

"🗣️ My pump is broken, please service it, the one near the well," wrote the account @riyanapp.

"The same goes for breastfeeding, if it is constantly sucked by the baby, the water will flow fast, on the other hand, if the baby rarely breastfeeds, the water will decrease by itself, just like this well created for human use.. MashaAllah 😍," wrote the account @hapi_apriasih.

"They say the more the well is sucked, the more water flows, this water donation flows continuously, MashaAllah ❤️," wrote the account @ima_zakaria.

"Besides being a water supplier for the residents, this also supplies funds for PLN 😂," wrote the account @cand.rar_.

"Sir, I apologize for cutting your pipe, to fix my Sanyo," wrote the account @ajiraenaldi.

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A post shared by 🛠️ INSPIRASI DEKORASI RUMAH 🛠️ (@dekorasi_rumah_idaman)


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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