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Cool! Sailing Together in the Middle of the Sea with One Piece Backsound, Local Wisdom Version
Cool! Sailing Together in the Middle of the Sea with One Piece Backsound, Local Wisdom Version source:

Dream - One Piece is one of the Japanese manga series that has many fans in Indonesia, ranging from children to adults. It's no wonder that everything related to the manga manages to attract the attention of its fans.

Like the recent viral video, an account on TikTok @rsychan_mlbb recorded dozens of ships filled with flags, forming a lined formation in the middle of the sea.

Although some party flags were seen, the scenery resembles scenes in the One Piece manga that tells about pirate adventures.

Cool! Sailing Together in the Middle of the Sea with One Piece Backsound, Local Wisdom Version

Where pirate ships are synonymous with flags and vibrant colors like in the video. In the video, a passenger on the boat can be seen recording other boats around him.

Not only that, what makes the atmosphere more similar to scenes in the One Piece manga is that the account owner added the song 'Memories' by Maki Otsuki as the background sound, which is the OST of One Piece manga.

Cool! Sailing Together in the Middle of the Sea with One Piece Backsound, Local Wisdom Version

The video upload then managed to attract the attention of One Piece fans because the sound is similar to the one in the manga series. Moreover, recently One Piece has been widely discussed following the arrival of the Gear 5 series.

In response to this, One Piece fans changed their social media profile pictures to Monkey D Luffy's photo, the leader of the Straw Hat Pirates.

"otw to the Grand Line 😎 #onepiece #mugiwara," wrote the caption of the video.

Cool! Sailing Together in the Middle of the Sea with One Piece Backsound, Local Wisdom Version

This can also be seen from the many netizens using Luffy's photo who gave responses in the video's comment section. Unfortunately, it is not mentioned in detail for what purpose those boats sailed and where their location is.

After being uploaded, the video went viral on social media and has been watched more than 1.8 million times. Not only that, the video was also reposted by other social media accounts.

"not a weeb, but he's just a nakama chasing his biggest dream with his friends😎," wrote the account @imfatih.

"I'm joining," wrote the account @louuwvree in the comment section.

"fun," wrote the account @ikanhiuuum.

"straight to the Grand Line," wrote the account @Radit.

@rsychan_mlbb otw to the Grand Line 😎 #onepiece #mugiwara ♬ Memories Reverb x Underwater - R Y U U 神


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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