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Suddenly Quiet and Dark Men's Congregation Room! This Girl is Shocked Locked in the Mosque After Praying Alone, It's Like Someone is Watching
Suddenly Quiet and Dark Men's Congregation Room! This Girl is Shocked Locked in the Mosque After Praying Alone, It's Like Someone is Watching This Girl is Shocked Locked in the Mosque

Dream - As humans, we will surely face unexpected trials, without knowing when and where they will happen.

That's what happened to this girl when she faced a terrifying moment. She was trapped in a mosque at night.

As a result of this unexpected incident, many wonder how this Malaysian girl could be locked inside a mosque?

The girl named Aina Wardina Mat Zaki said that the incident happened on August 5th. At that time, her family took her brother to receive treatment in Dungun, Terengganu.

While waiting for her brother to receive treatment after being involved in an accident, Aina and her younger brother stopped by a nearby mosque.

"At that time, it was already 9:15 pm, and the other congregants had finished praying in congregation. I came to the mosque to pray Isha. But most of the entrances were locked.

"Then a mother who had just left the mosque called me to follow her to the front door. But I didn't understand what she meant, and I continued to walk into the toilet first," she said.

After coming out of the toilet and finishing ablution, the 22-year-old girl was shocked when the room inside the mosque suddenly went dark.

Terrifying experience locked in the mosque.

"Only the toilet area was still lit. At that time, I immediately went into the women's prayer room and turned on the lights there.

"At first, I didn't think much about it because I had previously experienced living in a dormitory, so I was used to walking in the dark when going to the bathroom," she said.

However, a feeling of uneasiness struck after praying alone. The girl from Dungun realized that the mosque felt so quiet.

Terrifying experience locked in the mosque.

"The prayer room for men was also dark, and there was no one there. When I wanted to leave, I was shocked because the door was locked from the inside.

Terrifying experience locked in the mosque.

"The other exit doors were also locked. Luckily, there was one sliding door that could still be opened. But once outside, each exit door was blocked by a locked gate," she explained.

In a panic of being locked inside the mosque, Aina then contacted her younger brother who was waiting in the car parked outside the mosque.

Terrifying experience locked in the mosque.

Her younger brother came and checked every exit door from the outside, all of which were found to be locked.

Terrifying experience locked in the mosque.

According to the second child of five siblings, she and her brother then asked for their father's help to contact the mosque caretaker.

"Half an hour later, a mosque caretaker came. 15 minutes later, the second mosque caretaker came with keys to open the door.

"I finally managed to get out after being locked inside the mosque for about 45 minutes to an hour. I felt embarrassed because I caused trouble for the mosque caretakers," she said.

Aina finally understood why all the doors and gates had to be locked after hearing the explanation from the mosque caretaker.

Apparently, there have been cases of theft in the mosque recently. That's why all the doors were locked for security reasons.

Admitting that it was her first time being "locked" inside a mosque, Aina revealed that her feelings were very different when she was alone in the women's prayer room on the night of the incident.

"At that moment, I suddenly felt chills as if someone was watching. Like in the movie Makmum, as if there was someone else there. I'm actually a scared person," she concluded.

Source: mStar

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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