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6 Meanings of Being Stabbed in a Dream, Is It a Bad Sign?
6 Meanings of Being Stabbed in a Dream, Is It a Bad Sign? TikToker Successfully Loses Weight. (Source: TikTok @ekkafitrie)

Dream - Besides death, have you ever had a nightmare of being stabbed by someone with a sharp weapon? If so, how did you feel? This dream clearly creates fear and can even lead to overthinking about the surrounding environment.

Dreams about being stabbed or experiencing violence can have various meanings depending on factors such as emotions, life situations, and other factors. However, according to dream experts, the general meaning of being stabbed in a dream is to depict the depression you are currently experiencing.

Nevertheless, it turns out that the meaning of being stabbed in a dream has several diverse interpretations. Generally, the meaning of this dream is an activity that shows your defensive state. Perhaps you are facing someone who belittles you. Additionally, you may be betrayed by someone.

The meaning of this dream depends on each person's perspective. Instead of being more curious, here are the meanings of being stabbed in a dream summarized by Dream from several sources.

1. Dream of Being Stabbed with a Sharp Weapon in the Back

If you dream of being stabbed in the back or in the back of your body, it means that someone is planning something bad against you. This dream could mean that someone is planning ill intentions towards you, whether to undermine or oppose you.

This dream indicates that you should be careful when conveying information about yourself to others. The information you provide may be used against you. It is best to keep your identity secret for a while until this threat passes.

2. Dream of Stabbing Yourself


If you dream of being stabbed by yourself, it is likely that you are experiencing stress or depression. You feel depressed because some things are not going according to your plans.

This causes feelings of sadness and loneliness. This dream reflects your ability to solve problems. You may feel that you have reached a dead end.

Calm yourself, consider seeking help and advice from close ones. If your feelings worsen, do things you enjoy to soothe your heart and mind. It is also used to calm yourself.

3. Dream of Being Stabbed Multiple Times

The scene of being stabbed by multiple people is very frightening, even if it is just a dream. This dream signifies that you will encounter many problems in your life.

It is likely that you will face unavoidable problems. Your plans and work may experience failures. Although in the end, you will experience a significant failure, you don't need to blame yourself, as it will only worsen your situation and condition.

If you experience this dream, don't worry and be afraid, just pray to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala so that good things always accompany you, Dream friends.

4. Dream of Being Stabbed by Several People


What is the meaning of this equally terrifying dream? Have you ever dreamed of this, Dream friends? If you dream of being stabbed by several people, it indicates that you may be getting tired of dealing with people around you.

You feel overwhelmed by their behavior and actions towards you. You don't know how to make them leave you alone. Additionally, they don't understand that you need time for yourself.

5. Dream of Being Stabbed by an Unknown Person

Dreaming of being stabbed by an unknown person signifies that you are experiencing fear caused by several things. One of them is regarding the plans you will make in the near future.

You want to make some changes in your life, but you are unsure of the outcome. Whether it will be as expected or the opposite. It is better to fight against the fear that may not even happen.

Because if you don't fight against your fear, you will never truly know what results you will get if you never try, right?

6. Dream of Being Stabbed by Someone You Know

If you have ever dreamed of being stabbed by someone you know, the meaning of that dream is that you have difficulty controlling your own life. Several things in your life are not going well according to plan.

Therefore, you don't know how to solve these things. You can't control yourself to have a balanced life.

You need to know that not everything in our lives goes smoothly according to our plans. What you need to do, Dream friends, is to stay focused and try to find solutions to the problems that arise.

Thus, the meanings of being stabbed in a dream are subjective. If you feel anxious and worried about this dream, just pray to Allah for good things to happen in your life.

Report: Sasikirana Shafa Fathira (Intern).

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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