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A Man Complains About His Nosy Landlady, WhatsApp Chat Contains Love Flirtation
A Man Complains About His Nosy Landlady, WhatsApp Chat Contains Love Flirtation A Man Complains About His Nosy Landlady, WhatsApp Chat Contains Love Flirtation

Dream - For those who live away from home, finding a comfortable boarding house can be quite challenging. Facilities and costs are usually the main considerations.

However, it's different for this man. The problem actually comes from the landlady's behavior, which is both amusing and terrifying.

At first, he found the landlady's behavior funny. But over time, the actions of the female owner of the boarding house became more 'creepy'.

Instagram @viralkak

In a post on Instagram account @viralkak, a man named Hafid shared screenshots of his WhatsApp chat with his landlady.

"Living in a boarding house feels like having a girlfriend," he wrote.

In the conversation, the landlady starts showing concern by frequently asking about Hafid's whereabouts. She refers to him using the word 'yang', which is an abbreviation of 'sayang' (darling).

Instagram @viralkak

Initially, Hafid thought his landlady's behavior was just a joke. He still responded to her in a friendly manner.

"What are you doing, haven't slept yet?" the landlady wrote.

"Have you had breakfast?"

However, the suspicious behavior continued when the landlady started questioning Hafid's daily activities and offering him food.

Instagram @viralkak

What's even more surprising is that the landlady openly expresses her jealousy when Hafid shows his closeness with female friends.

"Who is the shirt for? Why am I jealous?"

"Tomorrow, everything will be back to normal, because I don't like it when girls laugh and scream," the landlady said.

"Why am I jealous? Oh, it's because of the girl. Tomorrow, everything will be back to normal because I don't like it when girls laugh and scream," the landlady said.

Instagram @viralkak

Although Hafid responded casually, the landlady still didn't stop and continued to use terms of endearment towards him.

She often admitted to missing him when she didn't see Hafid around the boarding house.

"I miss you. I can't sleep. Why didn't you inform me since the afternoon so that I don't have to wait until night."

Furthermore, the woman openly confessed to dreaming about Hafid. Unfortunately, the exact location of the incident was not mentioned.

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A post shared by VIRALKAK (@viralkak)


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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