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10 Meanings of Death Dreams According to Islam, Have Good Meanings?
10 Meanings of Death Dreams According to Islam, Have Good Meanings? Dream illustration (Photo:

Dream - Dreaming about death often makes someone who experiences it restless and fearful, especially if the dream feels real. There are many reasons why someone can experience that dream.

Quoted from, dreams of death can identify deep sadness. The brain processes that information into the subconscious mind, causing someone to experience sad dreams like the fear of loss.

However, actually dreaming of death is commonly experienced, especially by people who have just been left by their loved ones. Suppressed emotions finally carry over into sleep.

Therefore, there is no definite answer to the meaning of dreaming of death as a bad sign because each individual has different experiences. So what is the meaning of death dreams according to Islam? Here's the explanation quoted from various sources.

1. Depicting Sadness and Disappointment


Dreaming of death can be a sign that you are experiencing sadness and disappointment. This dream can also be interpreted as a symbol of loss or failure in real life. You need support and encouragement to rise again.

2. Sign of Spiritual Progress

If you have ever dreamed of death, it is likely a sign of spiritual progress and positive changes within yourself. This dream can also be a sign that you have succeeded in improving the quality of worship and getting closer to Allah SWT.

3. Avoiding Calamities

The meaning of dreaming of death in Islam also means that someone will be saved from the calamities that will befall them. This dream indicates that you will be able to endure the difficulties you are experiencing and find happiness in the afterlife. In addition, this dream also indicates that someone will receive rewards from Allah SWT for every deed they have done.

4. Reminder to Live a Healthy Life


If you have ever dreamed of seeing yourself dead, it is a sign that you should pay more attention to your health. This dream does not indicate that you will be afflicted with a disease. It is better for you to consult regularly with a doctor, maintain a healthy diet, and get enough rest.

5. Indicates Longevity

Dreaming of death is usually believed to indicate a short life or that someone close to us will die. However, it turns out that this dream is not always a bad sign. On the contrary, it can be interpreted that you will be given blessings and health to live longer. However, you should not be too complacent with the meaning of this dream, as ultimately death is in the hands of Allah.

6. Sign of a Happy Life

If you dream of dying and then see the body being washed and shrouded, it means that happiness is coming. In addition, this dream also indicates that your faith is weak. Therefore, repent and pray more to get closer to the Creator.

7. Sign to Start a Change in Life

Dreaming of death indicates a change that is often final in a person's life. This dream is very likely experienced by someone who has been left by their loved ones, and then that person appears again in the dream. If you experience this dream, it indicates that you have not fully accepted the departure of your loved one. The context of acceptance can be in the form of memories or grudges that should be let go of, but have not been successful and are still suppressed in your subconscious mind.

8. Sign of Success

Dreaming of death can be interpreted as a sign of upcoming success in your life. This success can be in terms of education, work, or romantic relationships. However, you must continue to strive to the best of your ability and continue to pray to Allah SWT for ease.

9. Sign of Liberation

In some cases, dreaming of death is believed to be a sign of liberation from problems or obstacles in life. Death in a dream can also symbolize the release of the burdens of life that have been weighing you down. If you experience this dream, you should be grateful because your problems will gradually be resolved. However, you must continue to strive to find a way out while seeking guidance from Allah SWT.

10. Sign of Trouble in Marriage


If you dream of death, you should be careful. This dream actually indicates trouble in your marriage. You will face a bad situation related to divorce. This is because death represents a sad separation.

Those are some meanings of death dreams according to Islam that you should know. However, these dreams are not always true, you must be wise in responding to them and do not forget to surrender to Allah SWT. (From various sources)

Report: Nur Rahma

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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