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Indonesian Citizens +62, Motorcyclists Stubbornly Cross the Railway Crossing Gate and Instead the Train Gives In
Indonesian Citizens +62, Motorcyclists Stubbornly Cross the Railway Crossing Gate and Instead the Train Gives In Video of Dozens of Motorcyclists Crossing the Railway Crossing Gate and Causing Traffic Jams

Dream - Motor vehicle users must know the rule of giving way to trains for the safety of everyone. However, the low level of discipline on the road has caused many riders to ignore this rule.

In addition to disregarding their own safety, the actions of these rule violators are certainly annoying and infuriating, as shown in a video uploaded by the Instagram account @memomedsos.

In the one minute and 15 second video, the railway crossing gate is filled with motorcyclists who are about to cross.

Viral dozens of motorcyclists causing traffic jams at the railway crossing gate.

The road conditions at the railway crossing gate seem to be heavily congested, as seen from the vehicles unable to move.

Viral dozens of motorcyclists causing traffic jams at the railway crossing gate.

On the other side, a train is seen not far from the location and will pass through the crossing gate.

Viral dozens of motorcyclists causing traffic jams at the railway crossing gate.

However, the motorcyclists seem fearless. They continue to move forward, crossing the railway crossing gate.

The crossing gate guard had to ask the train driver not to move forward first.

Assisted by several local residents, the crossing gate guard forced some motorcyclists to move back behind the railway tracks.

Viral dozens of motorcyclists causing traffic jams at the railway crossing gate.

However, one of the motorcyclists stubbornly continues to move forward despite being pushed by the residents to move back.

Viral dozens of motorcyclists causing traffic jams at the railway crossing gate.

Meanwhile, the train driven by Mr. Ahmad appears to have stopped for quite a while. Of course, the stopped train disrupts the schedule of the next arrivals and departures.

Viral dozens of motorcyclists causing traffic jams at the railway crossing gate.

But because of the actions of a few motorcyclists who do not know the rules, the arrival and departure schedule is disrupted.

Netizens who watched the video of motorcyclists crossing the railway crossing gate expressed their frustration.

"The train gave in."

"Those violators should be photographed and prosecuted to serve as a deterrent."

"It's okay if they get hit, it reduces the population of busy selfish people who don't obey the rules."

"Those people are uncivilized, just causing trouble. Even though they know the train is coming, they still act stubbornly. They have nine lives."

Source: Instagram

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