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This is the figure of Norma Risma's Father Known as Patient, Netizens: His Heart Must Be Shattered
This is the figure of Norma Risma's Father Known as Patient, Netizens: His Heart Must Be Shattered This is the figure of Norma Risma's Father Known as Patient

Dream - The story of the adultery between the mother-in-law and son-in-law that led to a raid on November 15, 2022, really caught the attention of netizens.

Norma Rismala, also known as Risma, had to swallow the bitter pill of her marriage being destroyed due to the adultery of her ex-husband as a son-in-law with her mother, who is her mother-in-law.

In addition to highlighting the behavior of the adulterous couple, the mother-in-law and son-in-law, netizens also feel sorry for the fate of the father and his daughter who became victims.

However, Risma's father is considered the most hurt person in the case of adultery between his son-in-law and mother-in-law.

Netizens are curious about the figure of Risma's father, who can patiently control his emotions in dealing with the actions of his ex-wife and his daughter's ex-husband.

Recently, the mystery of the figure of Norma Risma's father was finally revealed. The picture of Risma's father, who is known as Kang Alam, was leaked on social media.

"The figure of Norma's father, the most hurt person," wrote the gossip account @viral62com on Instagram.

Kang Alam is active on Facebook and often shares photos of his wife, who is also Norma Rismala's biological mother.

However, after the adultery case between the mother-in-law and son-in-law went viral, Kang Alam's Facebook account suddenly disappeared.

Kang Alam himself is known to work in Jakarta and returns to his hometown in Serang, Banten, once a week.

Before this case went viral, Kang Alam had actually warned his daughter not to continue her marriage with her ex-husband.

Because when they were still dating, Risma caught her mother's WhatsApp chat and SMS messages with her ex-husband.

The contents of the WhatsApp chat and SMS messages were inappropriate, even discussing intimate relationships.

At that time, Kang Alam was furious after hearing the story from his daughter about her mother's adultery with her future son-in-law.

That's why Kang Alam advised his daughter not to continue her marriage with her ex-husband.

"Enough, Risma, don't be with him anymore because if a man is like that, he will do it again.

"But, I told her he was my first love. I also said maybe he has changed," Risma replied to her father.

Risma insisted on marrying her ex-husband, so she often fought with her own father.

"In fact, I often fight with my father," she continued.

Finally, Kang Alam gave in to the request of his only daughter to marry the wicked ex-son-in-law.

"As time went by, maybe my father was confused too. I am his only daughter, if he didn't agree, I would go crazy," Risma said.

Knowing Kang Alam's patient nature, several netizens focused on the expression of Risma's father, who is considered to have the most shattered heart.

"His father must be devastated, being cheated on by his son-in-law."

"Oh, this is the figure of a patient father. Stay healthy, sir, so you can see the karma for those two inhumane beings."

"His face looks like he's really patient."

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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