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Understanding the Hudaibiyah Agreement and Its History, the Diplomatic Efforts of the Prophet Muhammad
Understanding the Hudaibiyah Agreement and Its History, the Diplomatic Efforts of the Prophet Muhammad Illustration of the Hudaibiyah Agreement. (Photo:

Dream – Hudaibiyah Agreement is an important chapter in the relationship between the Muslim community and the Quraysh infidels during the time of the Prophet Muhammad. In the negotiations of the Hudaibiyah Agreement, the Quraysh were represented by Suhail bin Amr while the Prophet Muhammad acted as the negotiator for the Muslim community.

The Hudaibiyah Agreement took place in the month of Dhu al-Qa'dah, precisely when Prophet Muhammad was prevented by the Quraysh infidels from entering the city of Mecca to perform the Umrah pilgrimage.

When he was prevented, the Prophet Muhammad did not bring his sword, as his intention was solely for the purpose of performing Umrah. However, the Quraysh infidel forces intercepted him in Hudaibiyah, located a few kilometers before the city of Mecca.

The Hudaibiyah Agreement was an effort by the Prophet Muhammad to ease tensions between the Muslim community and the Quraysh infidels. So, what is the story and content of the Hudaibiyah Agreement? To find out more, let's take a closer look at the following review as summarized by Dream from various sources.

Background of the Hudaibiyah Agreement

Hudaibiyah is a city now known as Ash-Shumaisi. In the 6th year of Hijri, the Prophet Muhammad and around 1,400 Muslims departed from Medina to Mecca to perform the Tawaf (circumambulation) around the Kaaba.

The Prophet was also accompanied by his wife, Umm Salamah. The group accompanying the Prophet was not equipped with weapons of war. Their intention was purely for worship, not for fighting.

When they arrived at a place called Hudaibiyah, the group of Muslims was intercepted by the Quraysh infidels. They prevented the group led by the Prophet Muhammad from performing worship at the Kaaba. Eventually, the Prophet Muhammad attempted to conduct diplomacy by establishing the Hudaibiyah Agreement.

The Prophet Muhammad represented the Muslim community in negotiating the Hudaibiyah Agreement, while Suhail bin Amr represented the Quraysh infidels. The agreement resulted in several points that were beneficial to the Muslim community. However, at that time, the group of Muslims still could not continue their Umrah pilgrimage in Mecca.

Contents of the Hudaibiyah Agreement

The Hudaibiyah Agreement resulted in several points that had to be agreed upon by both parties. Throughout its implementation, the points in the Hudaibiyah Agreement proved to be advantageous for the Muslim community. This agreement opened the way for the Islamic da'wah (proselytization) to reach a wider area.

10-Year Ceasefire

One of the contents of the Hudaibiyah Agreement was a ceasefire between the Muslim community and the Quraysh infidels for 10 years. This was advantageous for the Muslim community as the Islamic teachings could be spread more safely and reach a wider audience.

Right to Embrace Islam

The Hudaibiyah Agreement stated that anyone who wanted to embrace Islam or leave Mecca to join the Prophet Muhammad in Medina would be allowed to do so freely. This means that the people of Mecca were given the opportunity to freely practice Islam and were entitled to protection.


The Hudaibiyah Agreement also established equality between the two parties. Both sides had to respect and maintain good relations. The Quraysh infidels agreed not to attack the Muslim community who came to Mecca, and likewise, the Muslim community would not attack the Quraysh infidels who came to Medina.


This agreement also guaranteed peace and put an end to hostilities between the two parties. This point ensured that the Muslim community could worship in Mecca without fear of being attacked.

No Betrayal Allowed

This agreement also stipulated that both parties were not allowed to steal in secret and were not allowed to betray or harm each other.

Those are the summary of the points in the Hudaibiyah Agreement, which actually consisted of 10 points. The agreement was witnessed by several individuals from both parties. The Muslims who witnessed it were Abu Bakr Ash-Shiddiq, Umar bin Khattab, Abdurrahman bin Auf, Abdullah bin Suhail bin Amr, Sa'ad bin Abi Wagash, Muhammad bin Maslamah, and Ali bin Abi Talib, who served as the scribe of the agreement. Meanwhile, from the polytheists, it was witnessed by Mikraz bin Hafsh and Suhail bin Amr.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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