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Wife Always Looks Young and Beautiful, Man Shocked to Discover Online Crush Is Actually Old and Has Grandchildren
Wife Always Looks Young and Beautiful, Man Shocked to Discover Online Crush Is Actually Old and Has Grandchildren Always Looks Young and Beautiful, Man Shocked to Discover Wife Is Actually Old

Dream - Deception in the form of young and beautiful women seems to have become a common phenomenon in mainland China.

Recently, a 31-year-old man was deceived. His 30-year-old girlfriend turned out to be much older.

Guo, a man from Henan Province, said his ex-girlfriend was not 30 but 44 years old.

The couple met in October last year through a dating app. When they first met, his ex-girlfriend claimed to be born in 1992.

Feeling that their ages were not far apart, Guo felt comfortable and soon fell in love with the woman.

Guo even brought the woman to his hometown to meet his family. They stayed there for about two weeks.

In Guo's hometown, they eventually got married. Guo was happy to finally find the partner he desired.

"I am very happy to finally get married. I believe I have found the right life partner and want to spend the rest of my life with her," said Guo.

However, just two months into their marriage, Guo was shocked. It turned out that the woman he married was actually old. She was even close to becoming a grandmother.

The shocking truth was revealed when Guo received a call from his mother on December 9th last year. His mother revealed the woman's true identity.

Guo, shocked and feeling deceived, immediately became furious. How could this be? His wife already had children and was almost a grandmother.

Guo immediately decided to end his relationship with the woman he met through the dating app.

"My mother told me her real age and that she has two children. Her son, who is in his twenties, has been married for two years. Her daughter-in-law is even about to give birth," Guo recalled.

Guo certainly felt uncomfortable with this reality. If he continued his marriage, people around him would ridicule him.

"They would see me marrying a grandmother, and at my young age, already carrying a grandchild. It's very embarrassing!" said Guo.

"I am really ashamed in front of the people in my hometown because they finally found out about this scandal," Guo added.

All this time, Guo saw his wife as looking much younger than her actual age. His wife even dressed and acted like a young person.

"When she wears makeup, it is difficult for people to know her real age," said Guo.

He said his wife's true age was revealed after his mother spoke to him. His wife then told him about her hometown.

Coincidentally, one of Guo's neighbors had a relative who lived in the same village as his wife.

"The neighbor's relative then asked around about my wife, and we finally learned everything about her," Guo said.

When Guo ended the relationship by accusing his wife of trying to deceive him, the woman became angry and denied being a scammer.

Guo then called the police, and in their presence, the woman was asked to show her identification card. It turned out she was born in 1978.

"She was angry at me. But I was even angrier because I was not only deceived in love, but also lost money," Guo said.

Guo admitted to giving his wife 10,000 yuan (about Rp22.4 million) as a gift. However, it is unknown whether the police will take action against the woman.

Source: SCMP

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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