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"170 Mother's Words for Her Child, Contains Deep Messages and Advice as Parenting"

Dream - Every parent wants to provide the best for their children. Various ways are done by parents so that children can grow into individuals with noble character and beneficial to others. That is why parents need to set an example and show good behavior as well as constructive advice.

170 Kata-Kata Ibu untuk Anaknya, Berisi Pesan dan Nasehat Mendalam sebagai Parenting

Advice from parents to their children plays an important role in shaping their character and helping them grow well. A mother's words to her child can serve as a reminder, encouragement, and enhance the child's positive thinking. A mother's words to her child can also be used as a caption filled with advice. If parents are not proficient in giving advice in the form of words, the following collection of a mother's words to her child can be a reference that can be applied.

"Mother's Words to Her Child Full of Advice"

"When everyone mocks and distances themselves from you because of your defeat, but at that time mother never distances herself or feels ashamed to stay with you."A mother's heart is a classroom where her child learns." - Henry Ward Beecher"A mother's love is the most soothing. It is not abundant and comforting like an oasis in a long and barren field."Although it is impossible to be a perfect mother, a mother will surely strive to be the best mother for her children.""

"Your parents never wanted you to be like them, but they want you to be better than them." "No one loves you more than your mother. And she still loves you even if you don't love her the most." "Being a righteous child and never hurting your parents' feelings is what our parents desire the most." "When the heart is uncertain, guard your tongue from speaking. Sometimes silence plays an important role in not hurting someone." "Life is the choices you make. If you don't want to look foolish, don't do foolish things." "Stepmothers are not as wicked as depicted in soap operas." - Arumi E

"When you are happy in your life, your mother never asks you to share your happiness with her, but when you are hurt, your mother always comes to take a part of your pain." "Always trying to cheer up the morning, even your father always looks enthusiastic, even though life feels heavy." "Don't think that there is not enough time to show how much you care." "My child, don't be sad even though earlier your mother hugged you for just a moment, because what you need to know is that a mother's heart embraces you forever." "We can hope, but not dream in vain, try to make it real, my child, even though it's not perfect."

"Children are never good at listening to older people. However, children never fail to imitate older people." - James Baldwin "The best gift you can give to children is the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence." "Your children will follow or imitate your behavior, not your advice." "Do not force your children to be like you because they were not born in your time." - Ali bin Abi Thalib "Children need your presence far more than just gifts from you."

"Mother's Words to Touch Your Heart"

""Life doesn't always go smoothly according to our desires. When you fall and feel down, there is a mother who will always be by your side.""No matter how heavy the problems that a mother faces, there is no obstacle that can stop a mother's love for her child."And a mother's love is like this life, without you needing to ask, without you needing to, it will certainly come by itself."Don't rely too much on luck, because luck will not come to those who do not make an effort.""

"Don't be afraid to make a mistake. But make sure you don't make the same mistake twice." - Akio Morita "A loving mother hears what you say and even understands what you haven't said yet." "Don't let us forget God when we are happy, so that in your difficult times, God will make the path easier." "Success is not only when you can achieve what you want, but when you can see the smile of your parents because of the desires you can achieve." "The love of parents for their children is a love that should be emulated. They give a lot without asking for anything in return."

"Parents are a child's shelter. If the child no longer feels safe there, then you must learn to become a parent again." "A hope will strengthen you to keep dreaming, so keep hoping for something good." "Both of your parents are angels who always hide their wings to protect you." "A mother's love knows no bounds." "Although it is impossible to be a perfect mother, a mother will always strive to be the best mother for her children."

170 Kata-Kata Ibu untuk Anaknya, Berisi Pesan dan Nasehat Mendalam sebagai Parenting

"A mother's love knows no bounds." "No matter how smart you are, a mother will still say 'Never stop listening to advice' because the heart will be blind if it loses advice.""

"Mother's Words to Her Child, Messages about Life"

"Only a mother can understand what her children are going through." "Parents are human beings, they can also make mistakes, that's why they have to constantly improve themselves." "The heavier your problems, the stronger you become. And that's what makes you better." "If he loves you, he will be patient with your flaws, just as you are patient with his."

"No matter how smart you are, a mother will always say 'Never stop listening to advice' because the heart will be blind if it loses advice."In this transient life, you don't need to desperately defend something except humanity."No one loves you more than your mother. And she is still willing to love you even if you don't love her the most."No matter how busy you are, never forget Allah."A hope will strengthen you to keep dreaming, so keep hoping for something good.""

"When a mother cries, believe me, her heart is already deeply hurt. And believe me, she doesn't hate you even a bit.""When you refuse to accept your parents' opinions, they stay silent and pray for the best for you, but when they can't accept your opinions, you unleash your anger upon them.""Your happiness is mama's happiness.""We do need money to live. But money is not everything in life.""Mama knows you're in pain when mama punishes you, but do you know the pain mama feels?""Only a mother can understand the condition of her children."

"Mother's love is the most calming. It doesn't exist much and soothes like an oasis in a long and barren field." "A mother's heart is a classroom where her child learns." - Henry Ward Beecher "Stepmothers are not as bad as portrayed in soap operas." - Arumi E "A mother who loves you deeply hears what you say and even understands what you haven't said yet." "A mother's love knows no bounds." "Success is not only when you can achieve what you want, but also when you can see the smile on your parents' faces because of the desires you can fulfill."

"Mother's Words to Her Meaningful Child"

"Love of parents towards their children is a love that should be emulated. It gives a lot without asking for anything in return.""And a mother's love is like this life, without you needing to ask, without you needing to, it will surely come on its own.""Your parents are angels who always hide their wings to protect you.""To be a pious child and never hurt the hearts of parents is what our parents desire the most."

"Parents are human beings, they can also make mistakes, so they must constantly improve themselves." "Parents are a shelter for a child. If the child no longer feels safe there, then you must learn to become a parent again." "Your parents never want you to become like them, but they want you to become better than them." "When you are happy in life, your mother never asks you to share your happiness with her, but when you are hurt, your mother always comes to take a part of your pain."

"No matter how heavy the problems a mother faces, there is no obstacle that can stop a mother's love for her child."Always trying to cheer up in the morning, even the father always seems enthusiastic, even though life feels heavy."We do need money to live. But money is not everything in life."Be grateful for what you have; you will end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never have enough." - Oprah Winfrey"Never complain to your Lord, for what your Lord desires is the best for you.""

"In times when you feel an extraordinary sadness, then pray and worship, and Allah will give you beauty on another day." "Never look back if it only makes you repeat mistakes, try to look forward and open a new page that is better." "Dreams never hurt anyone if you continue to work diligently behind that dream to make it come true as much as possible." - F. W. Woolworth "A champion is someone who never gives up when they want it." - Tom Landry "No matter how difficult the problem you face, try to always be patient in facing it, because with patience, any problem can be easily solved."

"Whoever makes Allah our only Lord, we will never be trapped in disappointment and anxiety." "Set goals, challenge yourself, and achieve those goals. Live a healthy life and count every moment you have. Rise above obstacles and focus on the positive." - Robbert H. Goddard "Remember, whatever mistakes you made in the past. Everything will pass and you must fix those mistakes, so that all the good deeds you do become blessings and grace for the people around you."

170 Kata-Kata Ibu untuk Anaknya, Berisi Pesan dan Nasehat Mendalam sebagai Parenting

"Reaching great success is evidence for everyone else that they can achieve it too." - Abraham Lincoln "Try not to be a successful person, but rather try to be a person of value." - Albert Einstein

"Mother's Words to Her Child Are Full of Deep Meaning"

"Let's not hold grudges against each other as humans, because Allah will distance blessings and rewards from us.""Every child is an artist. The problem now is how to remain an artist when we grow up." - Pablo Picasso"Keep smiling, because life is beautiful and there are many things to be grateful for." - Marilyn Monroe"Teach your children that they are unique individuals. That way, they won't feel burdened to be like everyone else."

"Children are born into the world with a need to be loved without violence, the essence of life should never be denied." - Widodo Judarwanto "Children are messages that we send to a future we will never see." - John F. Kennedy "Children are not coloring books. You cannot color them as you please." "Children only have a true understanding of what they create themselves." "Children are entrusted to us, they should only be educated according to the wishes of those who entrust them, not according to our desires."

"Life must surrender, so that life feels light. Like me! I surrender my children to my in-laws, so that my life feels light." - Cak Lontong "When a child reaches the age of one, it feels like walking with a little drunkard. You have to hold them. They jump on one or two things. They laugh and cry. They pee. They vomit." - Johnny Depp "Young people who are confused without a lover, usually those whose education is not right, their goals are unclear." - Mario Teguh "Children rarely make mistakes in quoting something. In fact, they are usually able to imitate word for word."

"Let the polite manners of children be formed since they are young because it is easier to shape and nurture them when they are young. They have not yet been spoiled by customs and habits that are difficult to abandon." - Hamka "When you are happy in life, your mother never asks you to share your happiness with her, but when you are hurt, your mother always comes to receive a part of your pain." "Life, love, and laughter - an invaluable gift for our children." - Phyllis Dryden "If you want your child to grow, let them hear the good things you say about them to others." - DR Haim Ginott"

"Honour your children and educate them well." - Hadith "Being a role model is not the responsibility of the eldest child towards their younger siblings, but the responsibility of parents towards all their children." "Know that your wealth and children are only a test, and indeed with Allah is a great reward." "All children are inherently good because Allah has installed in them a pure nature." "A mother's love is the most calming. It is not abundant but soothing like an oasis in a vast and barren desert." "A mother's heart is a classroom where her child learns." - Henry Ward Beecher"

"Mother's Words to Her Child as Advice"


"Mother is the first school for a child. Find the latest information about being a parent. Be an intelligent mother." - Oki Setiana Dewi

"Every union will only be tactical, temporary and therefore incidental. Efforts to forcefully unite will only produce weak offspring, such unity will feel painful, misguided and disrupt the movement." - Sutan Syahrir

"If you cannot explain something to a 6-year-old child, it means you yourself do not understand." - Richard P. Feynman


"Our language is different, our religion is different, our culture is different, isn't that beautiful? Raise your hand, friend. Fight against injustice. Unite our spirits, children of all nations." - Fiersa Besari"Security for the majority is often just superstition. It never exists in nature, just as humans who feel it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than facing it." - Helen Keller"People say that the work of a child and the work of a famous artist are sometimes indistinguishable. The only difference is that an artist has a concept, while a child has happiness." - Ruwi Meita"

"The birth of an idea often resembles the birth of a child. It is preceded by the sufferings of its birth." - Tan Malaka"If you do not give your children the freedom to choose about money, even foolish choices, they will have a lot of money when they enter college." - John W. Gardner"Those who educate children well are more respected than those who give birth to them, because it gives them life. It is the art of living well." - Aristotle"

"The soldiers have become like my mother: wanting to mold obedient young people, not desiring freedom, not having mischief, but only nodding like broiler chickens; until doomsday cuts their necks." - Ayu Utami"For me, a mother is everything, the path of sustenance is opened with our devotion to our parents, what makes a mother's heart happy is not wealth, but the noble character of a child." - Susi Pudjiastuti"If you can't explain something to a 6-year-old child, it means you don't understand it yourself." - Albert Einstein"


"A smart woman is one who can place herself well as a child, wife, and mother, and can see the potential for goodness wherever she is." - Abdullah Gymnastiar

"Having a child does not make you a parent, just as having a piano does not make you a pianist." - Michael Levin

"There are only two types of young people in the world. Those who demand change. Those who create change. Please choose your struggle." - Pandji Pragiwaksono

"Young people are indeed lacking in experience, that's why they don't offer the past. Young people offer the future." - Anies Baswedan


"Mother's Words for Her Advice-Laden Daughter"

"I don't want my children to follow in my footsteps. I want them to take a path alongside me and go even further than I ever imagined." "What I hope most for my daughter is for her to soar high in her own sky, wherever that may be." "My child, don't be sad even though earlier I hugged you only for a moment, because what you need to know is that a mother's heart embraces you forever." "Although it is impossible to be a perfect mother, a mother will always strive to be the best mother for her children."

"When everyone ridicules and distances themselves from you because of your defeat, but at that time your mother never distances herself or feels ashamed to stay with you." "My child, don't be sad even though just now I hugged you for a moment, because what you need to know is that a mother's heart embraces you forever." "You may not be as strong as men, but you are more resilient than them. And it is that resilience that makes women capable of surpassing men." "I will allow my daughter to do whatever she wants. I will support, guide, and provide all the knowledge she needs because I want her to succeed in whatever she loves.""

"No matter how old my daughter is, she will always be my beloved baby girl.""I hope that my daughter grows to be empowered and doesn't define herself solely by her appearance, but by qualities that make her intelligent, strong, and responsible woman.""You must be healthy, take care of yourself, and find happiness in the beautiful things that make you who you are.""Your happiness is mama's happiness.""A daughter is a reflection of her mother.""A daughter is the light of the day and the warmth of the heart."

"A mother who loves you so much hears what you say and even understands what you haven't said yet."There is nothing more beautiful than a child sleeping soundly except for the Mother who is happy because she has put them to sleep."A mother's treasure is her daughter."Being a gentle woman is a choice, not a weakness."A daughter is far more precious than any jewelry."A mother and daughter always share a special bond, engraved in the heart.""

"Mother's Words for Meaningful Boys"

"Being a pious child and never hurting the hearts of our parents is the most desired thing by our parents." "It is up to you to determine how big or small your problems are. It all depends on how you see it." "Your problems are not the worst, my child, there are still many out there who have to struggle just to survive." "Keep smiling. Because life is beautiful and there are many things to be grateful for."

"Be a man who can love a wife as sincerely as you love your mother." "Son, dream as high as possible because dreams will never hurt anyone, unless you keep working right behind that dream to make it come true as much as possible." "Your loving mother hears what you say and even understands what you haven't said yet." "Remember, my child, Allah will never test His servant beyond their capabilities. But we often give up before reaching that limit." "A true man will not let his mother's tears fall, no matter how small." "A true man is someone who can control his anger, even if it hurts, he must still smile."

"What's the point of lying if it will ultimately lead you to misery. If honesty is suffering, it is nothing more than a test that will bear sweet fruit."When going through difficult times, when all your friends abandon you, and you want to give up, remember you can always reach out to your mother."Mother hopes that someday when you are married, you will never forget this old woman."Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also needed to sit down and listen."Learn well, my child. The future will not wait for someone who refuses to learn.""


"Men are the leaders of the family. Prepare yourself from now on."

"A good man never shouts at women, let alone makes them sad and hurt."

"You must grow up to be a confident child. Keep being happy by loving and accepting yourself as you are."

"When you are in the right state, you must not be afraid of the obstacles that come your way. Remember, God is always with the righteous."

"Difficulties strengthen maturity, and the true characteristics of a man or a great man are not that he has been freed from the evils of life, but that he has overcome them."


"Mother's Words to Her Beloved Child"

"My love, in this world there are many trials, but remember, every difficulty surely has its wisdom. Never give up and keep fighting with a heart full of faith."My child, life is like a long journey. Learn from every step you take, and if you get lost, remember that home always exists in the heart and prayers of a mother."Be wise in choosing friends, seek good friends and hold firm to the values of honesty. True friends will always support you in goodness.""

"Life is full of choices, my child. Choose the best, not the easiest. Your decisions today will shape your future.""My child, when you feel tired and scared, remember that prayer is the greatest protection. Allah always listens, and I always pray for you.""Be grateful for every blessing given by Allah. Gratitude is the key to true happiness.""Love knowledge as you love yourself. Knowledge is the wisdom that will guide you towards success."

"My child, believe in yourself. You have extraordinary potential. Strive to be the best, and I will always support you.""I don't want you to live according to what I expect, I want you to live according to what you expect, for yourself.""A mother will always guide you towards what is good for you. No matter how difficult it is for her, the most important thing for her is the safety of her child.""Not everyone will like you, my dear. Don't let that stop you. Continue to be yourself, kind and humble."

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