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Biar Si Kecil Cerdas Maksimal Tinggi Optimal, Begini Cara Memenuhi Nutrisi Anak 5 Tahun Ke Atas yang Benar

Entering the age of 5 years and above, intelligence and growth of children become increasingly important to be noticed. Because, at that age, the growth of children's height will occur significantly. Likewise, the intelligence of children will also experience improvement. If their nervous system is healthy, it will make children quickly receive information. At this age, children will also experience social and emotional development. Especially if the little one has entered school age, then they will also start learning to socialize outside the family environment. This is why at this age, children need to receive appropriate education. Because education plays an important role in optimizing the intelligence and growth of children aged 5 years and above.

Well, to optimize all aspects that can support the intelligence and growth of the child, parents also need to pay attention to the appropriate nutritional intake. So, how do you meet the correct nutritional intake for children aged 5 and above?

" " in Bahasa translates to "non-breaking space" in English.


"Processing Food Ingredients According to Children's Age Stages"

Children aged 5 and above begin to show interest in choosing foods with more varied flavors and textures. To prevent them from getting bored, introduce some new food ingredients, such as fruits, nuts, grains, or vegetables that they have never encountered before, while still providing health benefits for them. Choose ones that are still fresh or of good quality. Make sure to wash them thoroughly before serving or cooking. Try to be as creative as possible in presenting them, so that the child remains interested in eating them. For example, for fruits, Mom can serve them with vanilla ice cream, and the next day, they can be creatively turned into fruit skewers with chocolate sauce, for instance.

Masak Makanan Secara Matang Sempurna

Cook Food Perfectly

In addition, children at this age are often curious about richer flavors in food. Therefore, mothers can also introduce them to home-cooked menus that are commonly eaten together with the family. This way, children can also learn to recognize new menus. From there, children can assess and determine for themselves what types of food they prefer. Whether it is spicy or other flavors. So, mothers can also prepare them more easily.

Whatever food will be served to the Little One, make sure to cook it thoroughly. Because, the digestive system of children is not yet fully developed at this age, so if you introduce half-cooked foods like eggs or meat, especially raw fish, it is feared that it will cause stomach problems.

" " in Bahasa means "non-breaking space" in English.

Di Luar Jam Makan, Berikan Camilan Sebagai Selingan

"Outside Meal Hours, Provide Snacks as a Distraction"

Furthermore, children aged 5 and above also need to have snacks as a distraction outside of meal times. Moms can provide healthy snacks, such as fruits, cereals, bread, yogurt, and other healthy snacks, so that they can stay energized during activities. Pay attention to the timing of giving snacks. Do not give them too close to meal times, as it can make them feel too full and disrupt their eating patterns. Ideally, snacks can be given at 10 am and 4 pm. Because during those times, the body starts to lose energy, so it needs to maintain its nutritional balance with nutritious snacks.

"Fulfill the Little One's Macronutrient Intake"

Presenting a food menu for children aged 5 years and above should not only be delicious, but it is important to pay attention to the balanced nutritional content. Mothers need to perfect their intake of macronutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, in a balanced manner. This is because these components play an important role in the physical and brain growth and development of the little one. Carbohydrates are needed as an energy source and to support the child's growth. Fats, especially essential fatty acids, are important for the development of the child's brain. Meanwhile, proteins, in addition to forming their body muscles, also help maintain their immune system.

Complete its nutrition by providing the right milk.

Complete its nutrition by providing the right milk.

In order for the Little One to achieve maximum intelligence and optimal height as he grows older, complete his nutrition by providing the right milk, such as vidoran Xmart 5+ milk. This milk for children aged 5-12 years old uses quality milk from cattle farms in New Zealand and Australia. It is the first milk in Indonesia with the imunUp formula enriched with Cod Liver Oil, High Vitamin C, D3, E and Zinc, as well as high in DHA, calcium, and iron, a source of protein and B-complex vitamins. Vidoran Xmart 5+ milk is a healthier choice for children because, in addition to its complete content, it is also available in their favorite flavors, namely Chocolate and Honey, in sizes of 350 grams and 700 grams.

Selain itu, ada pula varian susu vidoran Xmart UHT. Menariknya, produk ini merupakan susu siap minum yang satu-satunya mengandung formula imunUp yang diperkaya Cod Liver Oil, tinggi vitamin C, D3, E, serta DHA, sumber kalsium, dan sumber vitamin B kompleks untuk dukung anak cerdas maksimal tinggi optimal di mana saja dan kapan saja. Produk ini hadir dengan varian rasa Cokelat dan Stroberi dalam ukuran 175ml dan 110ml. Terbukti, 9 dari 10 ibu memilih vidoran Xmart, karena komposisinya yang lengkap. Susu vidoran Xmart juga menjadi pilihan yang lebih sehat, karena kandungan gulanya lebih rendah, rasa lebih enak, tinggi kandungan DHA dan dilengkapi formula imunUp untuk dukung daya tahan anak menjadi lebih kuat, tumbuh aktif dan cerdas, dan tumbuh optimal.

That is some ways to meet the nutritional needs of children aged 5 years and above correctly, so that the Little One can reach their maximum intelligence and optimal height. Don't forget to fulfill their nutritional needs with the right milk such as vidoran Xmart 5+ and vidoran Xmart UHT. Get more information about vidoran Xmart here.

" " translates to "non-breaking space" in English. It is a special character used in HTML to create a space that will not break into a new line.

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