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Find Out, Mom and Dad, Fetal Movement Patterns Based on Trimesters

Find Out, Mom and Dad, Fetal Movement Patterns Based on Trimesters

"Mothers must know when the fetus should begin to move."

Dream - Feeling the kick of a fetus is something very special for pregnant mothers. This kicking sensation can make mothers feel touched, as if communicating with the fetus through movements, especially when the little one moves after their belly is stroked.

Cari Tahu Ayah Bunda, Pola Gerakan Janin Berdasarkan Trimester

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Fetal movement is not only a form of interaction between the baby and the mother, but also reflects the development of the baby's condition in the womb. When the fetus is very active, it could be an indication that the condition is very healthy. Meanwhile, when the movements are weak or absent, it could be a sign of danger."

Cari Tahu Ayah Bunda, Pola Gerakan Janin Berdasarkan Trimester

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The decrease in fetal movement can also be caused by the baby's sleep cycle. However, in some cases, this can be an indication of potential serious problems. Therefore, understanding the pattern of fetal movement is something that parents awaiting the birth of their child need to know."

"The movement of the fetus gives us insight into the condition of the baby between check-ups, while a decrease in fetal movement can be a sign that further evaluation is needed."
According to Ashley Parr, an obstetrician.


When Does the Baby's Movement Start to Be Felt?

Pregnant mothers can start feeling the fetal heartbeat from 16 weeks of gestation. However, there are various factors that affect the perceived duration of fetal movement. Karla Robinson, a family physician and medical editor at GoodRx, said that if the placenta is attached to the front of the uterus (anterior placenta), it will be difficult to feel the initial movements because the placenta acts as an additional layer between the baby and the abdominal wall. On the other hand, if the placenta is located behind the uterus and closer to the spine, the baby's movements will be felt earlier.

"In the first pregnancy, you may not feel movement until the 20th to 22nd week of pregnancy."
kata Robinson.


The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Fetal Movement Patterns Based on Trimesters"
The translation of "Trimester Pertama" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "First Trimester".

Generally, pregnant women do not feel the movements or kicks of the fetus until the second trimester, but in fact, the baby starts developing to move since the beginning. "Fetal movements begin around 7 weeks of age and this is still too small to be felt by pregnant women," said Dr. Parr.


At this stage, small movements that may occur involve body parts, head, or mouth. To observe these movements, prospective parents usually undergo an ultrasound scan in the first trimester, between the 8th and 12th weeks of pregnancy.

Cari Tahu Ayah Bunda, Pola Gerakan Janin Berdasarkan Trimester

The translation of the text "Trimester Kedua" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is "Second Trimester".

Pregnant mothers may start to feel movements in the early second trimester, but at this stage the sensation may not be very clear. As time goes by, kicks will become stronger towards the end of the second trimester and the beginning of the third trimester.

The translation of the text

"Sometimes, starting from 16 weeks of pregnancy, you may feel a faint pulsation that is almost similar to the sensation of gas bubbles in the pelvis."
"According to Ellen Smead, a nurse midwife at Pediatrix Medical Group."

There is no specific 'Bahasa' text provided in the question. However, if you are referring to the website "" and want to translate it into English while preserving any HTML tags, the translation would remain the same as it is a website name.

"Third Trimester"

"Throughout the third trimester, the mother will experience a combination of kicks, punches, stretches, and rolling sensations," says Dr. Parr.

Trismester Ketiga<br>

Although baby kicks become stronger in the third trimester, their movement patterns may decrease as the due date approaches. This change is not a cause for concern, as it is a normal growth of the baby. Dr. Kecia Gaither explains that fetal movements may decrease in the late third trimester due to limited space in the womb. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty / Source:

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