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Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "Dream - In Islamic teachings, the relationship between children and parents is one of the most sacred and respected bonds. Allah SWT places the command to be dutiful to parents right after the command to worship Him, demonstrating the importance of this matter. Islam strictly prohibits a disobedient child towards their parents, as behind such disobedience lies the threat of severe punishment from Allah SWT. When a child forgets or neglects their responsibility to honor and care for their parents, they not only hurt their hearts but also oppose Allah's command, which will lead to destruction both in this world and in the hereafter."

Do Not Disobey Your Parents! Here are 5 Painful Punishments You Will Receive

"On the other hand, being devoted to parents is a path that brings blessings and mercy in the life of a Muslim. Here is the punishment that Allah SWT will give to disobedient children as summarized by Dream through various sources."

"1. His/Her prayer is not accepted by Allah SWT"

A disobedient child to their parents, one of the punishments given by Allah SWT is that their prayers will not be accepted by Allah SWT. This is as explained in the following hadith: "It has been said: Allah will not accept the prayers of a person who is hated by their parents who have not wronged them." (HR. Abu Al-Hasan bin Makruf)

"2. All of His Worship Acts Are Erased"

"Disobedience to parents is something that is highly forbidden by Allah SWT. Because Islam teaches that a child should be obedient and respectful to their parents. A disobedient child will have all their deeds erased by Allah SWT. As explained in the following hadith: "There are three things that cause all deeds to be erased, namely associating partners with Allah, disobedience to parents, and a scholar who is mocked by foolish people.""

Do Not Disobey Your Parents! Here are 5 Painful Punishments You Will Receive

3. Hated by Allah SWT

"Islam teaches how a child should behave towards their parents. One of them is to obey and respect their parents. Thus, disobedience becomes an act that is greatly hated by Allah SWT. As the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "The pleasure of Allah depends on the pleasure of the parents, and the anger of Allah depends on the anger of the parents." (HR. Al-Hakim)"

4. His sin is not forgiven by Allah SWT.

"During our lives in this world, as humans, there are certainly many mistakes that we make. Whether they are intentional or unintentional. Therefore, we always hope that our sins are forgiven by Allah SWT before death comes to us. In addition, for a child who is disobedient to their parents, their sins will not be forgiven by Allah SWT. As the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:"


It is said to the person who is disobedient to their parents, 'Do as you wish, for I will not forgive you.' And it is said to the person who is dutiful to their parents, 'Do as you wish, for I forgive you.'

(HR. Abu Nua'aim)"

Do Not Disobey Your Parents! Here are 5 Painful Punishments You Will Receive

"5. It is Forbidden to Smell the Fragrance of Paradise"

"Who doesn't want to be placed in the paradise of Allah SWT when they pass away? Everyone certainly desires this, even it becomes their dream when they leave this world. Therefore, we must bring enough provisions to weigh down our scales. And do not forget, do not be a disobedient child to your parents. Because one of the punishments for being disobedient to parents is being forbidden to smell the fragrance of paradise."

As explained in the following hadith: "Indeed, the scent of Paradise can be smelled from a distance of a thousand years of travel, and by Allah, no one will attain it who is disobedient to their parents." (HR. Thabrani)

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