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Riset: Sepertiga Remaja Jepang yang Kini Berusia 18 Tahun Memilih Child Free<br>

Research: One-third of Japanese teenagers who are now 18 years old choose to be Child Free.

Riset: Sepertiga Remaja Jepang yang Kini Berusia 18 Tahun Memilih Child Free

Dream - Japan, the world's third largest economy, is now facing serious challenges related to population decline.

The latest data from The National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (IPSS) reveals that nearly one-third of Japanese women who are 18 years old as of 2023 are likely to not have children.

Riset: Sepertiga Remaja Jepang yang Kini Berusia 18 Tahun Memilih Child Free

In the report, IPSS estimates that 33.4% of women born in 2005 will not have offspring. This is certainly a serious problem amid Japan's declining population. The government is also trying to find a solution to address this crisis.

"Government Efforts"

"In June 2023, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida promised to address the population crisis using several unprecedented methods, including providing greater financial support to families with three or more children."

Riset: Sepertiga Remaja Jepang yang Kini Berusia 18 Tahun Memilih Child Free

This effort turned out to have no significant impact. In fact, the data shows a decrease in the number of babies born in Japan, including those from foreign nationals residing in Japan, by only 3.6% during the period from January to June.

"With the rising cost of living, I don't think people feel they can afford or comfortably say they want to have children," said Tanaka, a 23-year-old Japanese citizen. This is also influenced by the trend of getting married at an older age."

Riset: Sepertiga Remaja Jepang yang Kini Berusia 18 Tahun Memilih Child Free

While according to Miho Iwasawa, Director of IPSS, getting married in the late 30s often only results in one child or even none at all. "Some people also choose not to get married, which can certainly be a factor in the decline in birth rates," she said.

"Challenges of Education and Its Impact on the Population"

Not only the increasing cost of living and getting married at an older age, but also the cost of education for children has become the main reason why Japanese people are reluctant to have children. As an example, the tuition fees at private universities in Japan have increased fivefold from 1975 to 2021, and nineteenfold at public universities.


With fewer children, parents do have more expenses to meet the needs of each child, but the high cost of education once again makes some people postpone the decision to have children.

Riset: Sepertiga Remaja Jepang yang Kini Berusia 18 Tahun Memilih Child Free
Riset: Sepertiga Remaja Jepang yang Kini Berusia 18 Tahun Memilih Child Free

According to IPSS, the Japanese population, which amounted to 126.15 million in 2020, is estimated to decrease to 87 million in 2070.

With an annual birth rate below 800,000 for the first time in 2022, this birth rate is far below the number needed to maintain a stable population.

If inferred from data, circulating trends, and estimates, the population of Japan could decline from 125 million to 88 million by 2065. This issue certainly requires serious attention and appropriate actions to address the challenges of the population crisis faced by this country. What is your opinion on this issue, Dream Friend? Report by Marha Adani Putri/ Source: Times of India

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