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Libatkan Allah SWT dalam Rumah Tangga, Inilah Doa saat Bertengkar dengan Suami yang Bisa Diamalkan Istri

Involve Allah SWT in Household Affairs, Here is the Prayer When Arguing with Husband that Can be Practiced by Wife

Through this prayer, we humbly ask for guidance in improving relationships and being able to reconcile again.

Dream - In married life, there are times when conflicts arise. Whether it's a difference of opinion or a specific problem that hinders communication and the relationship between both parties. It is not uncommon for husbands and wives to engage in arguments that make the atmosphere at home tense. Uncontrolled emotions eventually lead to unavoidable arguments. In situations like this, it is advisable for friends of Dream to remember Allah SWT. In addition to trying to resolve the issue, the wife can recite prayers when arguing with her husband.

Through this prayer, we humbly ask for guidance in repairing relationships and finding peace again. In doing so, conflicts will not escalate further.

Involve Allah SWT in the Household, Here is a Prayer to be Practiced by Wives when Arguing with Their Husbands
Involve Allah SWT in the Household, Here is a Prayer to be Practiced by Wives when Arguing with Their Husbands

Well, here is a prayer to recite when arguing with your husband that can be practiced by wives as compiled by Dream through various sources.

"Prayer when Arguing with Husband"

The following is a prayer to be recited when arguing with one's husband, as taken from one of the sayings of the Prophet: "O Allah, reconcile our hearts and improve our relationship. Guide us to the path of peace and protect us from darkness to light. Keep away from us any indecencies, both apparent and hidden. Bless us in our hearing, sight, hearts, spouses, and offspring. Bestow upon us Your mercy, for You are the Most Merciful. Make us grateful for Your blessings, and make us use them to benefit others. Accept our prayers and fulfill them for us."

watub 'alaina innaka antat tawwabur rahimi, waj'alna syakirina bini'matika, mutsnina biha, qabiliha, wa attimaha 'alaina. Artinya: "Ya Allah, pertautkanlah di antara hati kami, perbaikilah hubungan di antara kami, tunjukkan kami jalan kedamaian, selamatkan kami dari kegelapan menuju kepada terang, jauhkan kami dari semua keburukan, yang tampak maupun yang tidak tampak. Berkahilah kami dalam pendengaran kami, penglihatan kami, hati kami, istri, dan keturunan kami." Translation: "O Allah, connect our hearts, improve our relationships, show us the path of peace, save us from darkness to light, keep us away from all forms of evil, both seen and unseen. Bless us in our hearing, sight, hearts, spouses, and descendants."

Accept our repentance, You who are the Most Accepting of Repentance and the Most Merciful. Make us among those who are grateful for Your blessings, praising Your blessings, receiving Your blessings, and perfecting Your blessings upon us. (HR. Imam Al-Hakim, Abu Daud, and Ibnu Hibban)

Cara Menyelesaikan Konflik Rumah Tangga dalam Islam

"How to Resolve Household Conflicts in Islam"

"Conflict within a household is something that is common to happen, but it is important to resolve it in a good manner and in accordance with the teachings of Islam. Here are some ways to resolve conflicts within a household in Islam:" Note: The translation above preserves the HTML tags in the original text.

Involve Allah SWT in the Household, Here is a Prayer to be Practiced by Wives when Arguing with Their Husbands

1. Good Communication

It is important to listen to your partner's complaints patiently and without interrupting the conversation. Then, express your opinion or complaint using gentle and non-hurtful words.


2. Musyawarah (Syura)

In a household, it is important to have discussions together. Involve your partner in every decision related to the family. Allah says in the Quran: "And their affairs are decided by consultation among themselves." (Surah Ash-Shura: 38)


3. Asking for Help from Allah

When there is a household problem, then always involve Allah SWT in it, namely through prayer. Pray for guidance and assistance from Allah to be given the best solution for every problem. In addition, perform worship together such as congregational prayer, reading the Quran, and remembrance to strengthen relationships and avoid disputes.

Involve Allah SWT in the Household, Here is a Prayer to be Practiced by Wives when Arguing with Their Husbands

4. Controlling Emotions

In a relationship, every couple must be patient and restrain themselves. Restrain themselves from anger and try to remain calm when conflicts arise. Rasulullah saw said, "The strong person is not the one who is good at wrestling, but the strong person is the one who can control themselves when angry." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)

5. Forgiving and Not Holding Grudges

Islam highly encourages forgiveness. This also applies to married life. Allah says in the Quran: "And let them pardon and overlook. Would you not like that Allah should forgive you? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." (Surah An-Nur: 22)

Involve Allah SWT in the Household, Here is a Prayer to be Practiced by Wives when Arguing with Their Husbands

6. Involving Third Parties if Necessary

If the conflict cannot be resolved between husband and wife, involve a wise third party from both families as a mediator. Allah says: "And if you fear a breach between the two, then appoint an arbiter from his people and an arbiter from her people..." (QS. An-Nisa: 35)

Involve Allah SWT in the Household, Here is a Prayer to be Practiced by Wives when Arguing with Their Husbands

By practicing these steps, it is hoped that marital conflicts can be resolved in a good and harmonious manner, in accordance with the teachings of Islam.

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