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Prayer for Parents Not to Fight that Children Can Practice if They Accidentally Witness

Through that prayer, God willing, peace and the ongoing argument will soon find a solution.

Dream - Every child certainly does not want to see their parents quarrel. All children will hope that their father and mother always live and harmonize every day. However, marital relationships are almost inevitable. There are always problems that arise, often leading to debates between couples. Many psychologists suggest that parents should not show their arguments in front of their children. Even if silent, the psychological condition of the child will be affected. If as a friend, Dream has already witnessed the quarrel between both parents, then you can practice praying so that the parents do not quarrel.

Through that prayer, God willing, peace and the arguments that occur will soon find a solution. Here is a prayer to prevent parents from fighting as summarized by Dream from various sources.

Prayer for Parents Not to Quarrel that can be Practiced by Children if They Accidentally See
Prayer for Parents to Not Quarrel

Prayer for Parents to Not Quarrel

"If Dream's friend as a child happens to witness their parents' argument, then pray for them so that their problem can be resolved quickly. Here is a prayer to prevent people from quarreling:"

Prayer for Parents Not to Quarrel First

اللهم أعنّا ولا تعن علينا، وانصرنا ولا تنصر علينا، واهدنا، ويسر الهدى لنا، اللهم اقبل توبتنا، واغفر ذلتنا، وأجب دعوتنا، اللهم ارفعنا، ولا تضعنا، وأكرمنا ولا تهنا، وأعطنا، ولا تحرمنا، وأعزنا، ولا تذلنا، وامكر لنا، ولا تمكر بنا، ودبر لنا فإنّا لا نحسن التدبي挚llaahumma a'innaa wa laa tu'in 'alainaa wanshurnaa wa laa tanshur 'alainaa wamkur lanaa wa laa tamkur 'alainaa wahdinaa wa yassiril hudaa lanaa wanshurnaa 'alaa man baghaa 'alainaa. Allaahumma taqabbal taubatanaa waghsil haubatinaa wa ajib da'watanaa wahdi quluubanaa wa saddid lisaananaa wa tsabbit hujjatanaa waslul sakhiimata quluubinaa.

Translation: "Meaning: 'O Allah, please help us and do not abandon us, grant us victory and do not disregard us, guide us and make it easy for us to accept Your guidance, and help us against those who oppress us. O Allah, accept our repentance, cleanse our mistakes, accept our prayers, show our hearts, improve and make our speech truthful, strengthen our determination, and remove the envy in our hearts.'"

Prayer for Parents Not to Quarrel Anymore



Prayer for Parents to Not Quarrel Thirdly

Allaahummaghfirlii dzunuubii waliwaalidayya warhamhumaa kamaa rabbayaanii shaghiira. Meaning: "O Allah, forgive me for my sins and the sins of my parents, and have mercy on both of them as they took care of me when I was young."

The Impact of Parents Fighting in Front of Children

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Argument between parents in front of children can have various negative impacts on the psychological and emotional development of children. Here are some possible impacts:"

Dampak Orang Tua Bertengkar di Depan Anak

1. Emotional and Psychological Disturbances

Anxiety and Stress: Children who frequently witness their parents arguing tend to experience higher levels of anxiety and stress. They may feel unsafe at home and worry about the stability of their family. Depression: Constant arguments can lead to feelings of helplessness and despair in children, which can ultimately result in depression.

2. Behavioral Problems

Aggressive: Children may imitate aggressive behavior they see from their parents. This can lead to behavioral problems at school and in their relationships with peers. Withdrawal: On the other hand, some children may become more closed off and withdraw from social environments as a way to cope with stress.

3. Academic Problems

Concentration: Stress from parental arguments can disrupt a child's ability to concentrate at school, which can have a negative impact on their academic achievement. Learning Motivation: Children who experience an unstable home environment may lose interest and motivation to learn.

Prayer for Parents Not to Quarrel that can be Practiced by Children if They Accidentally See

4. Health Problems

Sleep Disorders: High stress and anxiety can cause sleep disorders in children, such as insomnia or nightmares. Physical Problems: Chronic stress can also affect children's physical health, such as headaches, stomachaches, and digestive problems.

5. Interpersonal Relationships

Belief: Children who frequently witness arguments may have difficulty trusting others in the future. They may fear conflict and tend to avoid close relationships. Social Skills: These children may struggle to develop healthy social skills, including the ability to handle conflicts constructively.

6. Long-Term Development

Translation: "View on Relationships: This experience can shape a child's view on relationships and marriage. They may perceive arguments as something normal in adult relationships and bring this pattern into their own relationships in the future. Adult Mental Health Issues: Children who grow up in high-conflict environments have a higher risk of experiencing mental health problems in adulthood, including anxiety disorders and depression."

To minimize these negative impacts, parents need to make an effort to avoid arguing in front of their children and find ways to resolve conflicts more constructively. In addition, providing consistent emotional support and ensuring that children feel safe and loved are important steps in helping them cope with stressful situations.

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