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Kocak Banget, Video Ibu Antar Sekolah tapi Anaknya Ketinggalan di Rumah

"Hilarious, Video of a Mother Dropping off Her Child at School but the Child is Left at Home"

So Funny, Video of Mother Taking Child to School but the Child is Left Behind at Home

Dream - Morning can be said to be the busiest moment for mothers. Starting from preparing children's supplies, waking up the little one, bathing them, and taking them to school. This must be done quickly and swiftly.

So Funny, Video of Mother Taking Child to School but the Child is Left Behind at Home

Certainly so that the child does not arrive late to school. Often mothers want to hurry to catch up with time to do unexpected things. Like a funny video uploaded by the TikTok account @ristiana.eteng.

"As usual, in the morning he drove his daughter to school using the car. During the journey, he felt that something was missing. Until finally, he realized that his daughter was not in the car yet. Immediately, he went back home. Upon arrival at home, his daughter was already accompanied by the household assistant. The assistant laughed out loud because Risti forgot that her child was not in the car even though she wanted to take her to school."

So Funny, Video of Mother Taking Child to School but the Child is Left Behind at Home

"Want to drop off the child at school. Halfway through, it started raining so I turned back, but I forgot to put the child in the car," wrote Risti in the video she uploaded."

So Funny, Video of Mother Taking Child to School but the Child is Left Behind at Home

Her daughter was already waiting in front of the house. When the car arrived in front of her, she hurriedly got into the car. Luckily, her daughter didn't sulk or get angry because her mother forgot to bring her.

So Funny, Video of Mother Taking Child to School but the Child is Left Behind at Home

Her daughter looked confused. She immediately asked her mother because she wanted to take her to school but she wasn't in the car yet. "Where are you going, Mom," asked the daughter in English.

So Funny, Video of Mother Taking Child to School but the Child is Left Behind at Home

"Mama lupa, mama forget," said the mother. The car immediately sped off to school. The video went viral and has been watched 1.7 times."

The video was immediately flooded with comments from netizens. "I bet while on the road, they were thinking 'what's missing? but what is it?'" wrote Anna. "Your mom needs a vacation, dear," commented Peri Garam, followed by laughing emojis. "What is mom thinking? How did the child get left behind," responded @agirlwholoveblue, with laughing emojis. "HEY, HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE," added @stroberi. "And then what happens if it's delivered like that? It will keep coming back to mind until it grows up," they continued.


Pantes kok mobilnya sepi bangettt… 😅

♬ original sound - Ristiana Eteng
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