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Bayi Baru Lahir Ternyata Tak Perlu Mandi Setiap Hari

"Newborn Babies Apparently Do Not Need to Bathe Every Day"

Bayi Baru Lahir Ternyata Tak Perlu Mandi Setiap Hari

Dream - As Indonesian people with a tropical climate, hot weather and always sweating, we are accustomed to taking a shower twice a day and every day. This is sometimes also applied to newborn babies.

Bayi Baru Lahir Ternyata Tak Perlu Mandi Setiap Hari

Many parents don't know that actually newborn babies don't need to be bathed every day. Excessive water exposure can remove skin moisture and worsen conditions such as eczema.

Apart from that, frequently bathing a baby can also worsen eczema and cause other infections. "This is a complex balance but bathing itself may not be the main cause of the problem. The use of bathing products, including lotions that contain dyes or fragrances, can react with the baby's skin, exacerbating eczema even when not bathing," said Scott Grant, M.D., MPH, FAAP, from the Detroit Medical Center Children's Hospital in Michigan.

"How often should a newborn baby be bathed?"

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), newborn babies should not be bathed for the first time until 24 hours after birth. If a full day is not possible, they suggest waiting at least 6 hours after the baby is born.

Delaying bathing the baby can provide the following benefits: - Helping your baby maintain a stable body temperature and prevent hypothermia - Helping stabilize the baby's blood sugar - Increasing breastfeeding success - Encouraging bonding with parents - Helping moisturize the baby's skin - Maintaining beneficial bacteria levels on the baby's skin.

How to Bathe a Newborn Baby

Experts generally agree that parents can safely bathe their newborn babies three times a week. However, there are no strict rules on how often babies should be bathed.

How to Bathe a Newborn Baby
Bayi Baru Lahir Ternyata Tak Perlu Mandi Setiap Hari

AAP notes that bathing three times a week is enough for newborn babies. Also pay attention to the condition of the baby's skin.

If father or mother want to bathe the baby less frequently, it's fine. Generally, the baby can be bathed immediately if dirt is seen in the folds or the skin feels sticky.

"Clearly there are changes that babies experience as they grow older and become more active, which may require extra bathing from time to time. This rule is sufficient as long as the diaper area is properly cleaned every time you change the diaper," said Dr. Grant. Source: Parents

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