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Easy to get angry when pregnant? Don't blame hormones right away.

Easy to get angry when pregnant? Don't blame hormones right away.

Gampang Marah Saat Hamil? Jangan Buru-Buru Salahkan Hormon

Dream - Physical changes certainly occur when a mother is undergoing pregnancy. Starting from enlarged breasts, a bulging stomach, to swelling in some parts of the body.

Gampang Marah Saat Hamil? Jangan Buru-Buru Salahkan Hormon

Similarly, in terms of emotions. Some pregnant women complain of being very sensitive, not only easily crying, but also easily offended and quick to anger. Small things can easily trigger emotions.

"Hormones are often 'blamed' for such conditions. Is it true that a mother becomes easily angry because of hormones? "You cannot blame mood swings during pregnancy on hormonal attacks. Hormones may play a role, but there is no definitive medical data," said Lori Altshuler, MD, Director of the Mood Disorders Research Program at the University of California."

Gampang Marah Saat Hamil? Jangan Buru-Buru Salahkan Hormon

According to Altshuler, the more likely thing is cumulative discomfort during pregnancy. This makes pregnant mothers more easily triggered emotionally.

"\u201cIn the early months, some women experience nausea, fatigue, breast pain, and fear that something is wrong,\u201d said Clark Gillespie, MD, author of the book Your Pregnant Month by Month. These conditions then trigger insomnia, increased pressure on the intestines and bladder, as well as discomfort throughout the body. This subsequently leads to a messy mood and easily getting angry."

"Let the emotions be more stable during pregnancy"

It is important to keep emotions healthy during pregnancy. Because uncontrolled emotions can lead to stress and depression, which can have a negative impact on the health of the mother and fetus. You can try the following ways to reduce the desire to get angry while pregnant.

Avoid discussions that will only make the mother's blood 'boil'. If it cannot be avoided, let them know that the mother's condition is unstable and needs calmness. Stay active, engage in physical activities regularly. Such as swimming, walking, yoga, or other safe sports. This will help alleviate physical discomfort.

"Writing Journal"

Expressing emotions on paper can be very relieving. You can write a journal, poetry, or maybe type an email with any negative thoughts in mind. At least the anger has been channeled and does not hurt anyone else.

Menulis Jurnal

Ask for professional help If indeed you find it very difficult to control your anger, try to ask for professional help. You can consult with a psychologist or psychiatrist. Don't let it go, as it may continue after giving birth and then risk becoming postpartum depression. Source: Parents

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