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"Seru Banget, Intip Kelas Mengurus dan 'Menyusui' untuk Para Ayah di Indonesia" translates to: "Very Exciting, Peek into Classes of Caring and 'Breastfeeding' for Fathers in Indonesia"

Seru Banget, Intip Kelas Mengurus Bayi dan 'Menyusui' untuk Para Ayah di Indonesia

Dream - Many people think that breastfeeding is just a mother's task, but in fact, father's support is significant. It could even be said that fathers play an equally important role.

Seru Banget, Intip Kelas Mengurus Bayi dan 'Menyusui' untuk Para Ayah di Indonesia

Father who wants to learn about the process, details of breastfeeding, challenges, and help find solutions when problems arise will greatly assist the mother.

It is important to remember that breastfeeding is a very complex process and problems can arise at any time. Therefore, it is important for fathers to actively learn so that the breastfeeding process can be successful, at least for exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months or up to 2 years, as recommended. One way is to attend baby care and breastfeeding classes. Not only mothers can participate, but also fathers.

Seru Banget, Intip Kelas Mengurus Bayi dan 'Menyusui' untuk Para Ayah di Indonesia

"For in Indonesia, there are actually many classes on child care and baby care, including breastfeeding, that can be attended by fathers. One of them is organized by Bidan Jamilatus Sadiyah."

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The midwife, who is affectionately called Mila, explains the importance of expectant fathers attending breastfeeding classes. "Sometimes there are many questions, do husbands have to attend the classes too? After all, husbands don't breastfeed the baby. So, there are actually many husbands who want to help the mother during pregnancy and childbirth, but if they are not prepared, the mother will have to learn on her own, and the husband will also be confused about how to help because they were not prepared," she said."

Seru Banget, Intip Kelas Mengurus Bayi dan 'Menyusui' untuk Para Ayah di Indonesia

According to Budan Mila, when fathers know that the breastfeeding process is not just about the baby sucking the breast but is actually very complex, then they will know what to do to help their wives and children.

"From the research, it is also known that when the husband plays a role in the breastfeeding process, it can increase the success rate of breastfeeding up to 80%. 'It's not uncommon in the field, when the baby cries, many people panic and comment 'The breast milk is insufficient', 'The breast milk is not enough', that's why the baby keeps crying, even though crying is the language of a baby,' said Midwife Mila."

Seru Banget, Intip Kelas Mengurus Bayi dan 'Menyusui' untuk Para Ayah di Indonesia

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "This breastfeeding class is actually designed to bring fathers and mothers together. It also provides sufficient knowledge to support each other for the optimal breastfeeding process."

"So what's important in breastfeeding preparation is not actually how good and how much the breast milk booster is, but the KNOWLEDGE and support system. Because breast milk production is determined by Supply = demand. The more the baby breastfeeds with optimal positioning and attachment, the more breast milk comes out. So fathers can also learn how to help take care of newborns, providing support," said Midwife Mila.

Seru Banget, Intip Kelas Mengurus Bayi dan 'Menyusui' untuk Para Ayah di Indonesia
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