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Anak Pra Remaja Sangat Sulit untuk Diajak Foto, Ternyata Ini Alasannya

"Teenagers are very difficult to take photos with, Turns out this is the reason"

Anak Pra Remaja Sangat Sulit untuk Diajak Foto, Ternyata Ini Alasannya

Dream - Family vacation or when moments of gathering and eating together will certainly be incomplete without photos.

Anak Pra Remaja Sangat Sulit untuk Diajak Foto, Ternyata Ini Alasannya

Later, the photo can become a memento that can be shared and uploaded on various social media or other applications.

For fathers and mothers who already have pre-teen children, aged 10 and above, inviting them to take photos together can sometimes be very difficult. They always refuse to take photos with immediate family or extended family. Children at this age are also very annoyed if they are photographed or recorded without permission.

Anak Pra Remaja Sangat Sulit untuk Diajak Foto, Ternyata Ini Alasannya

Often experiencing it? According to Anas Satriyo, a family psychologist, this happens due to certain reasons that are closely related to a child's psychological development.

"In pre-adolescence, there is an increase in self-awareness, especially in the physical aspect. Pre-adolescent children begin to pay more attention to how they are perceived by others, which can make them feel uncomfortable when being photographed, especially if they are unsure whether the photo will reflect themselves in the way they desire," expressed Anas.

Anak Pra Remaja Sangat Sulit untuk Diajak Foto, Ternyata Ini Alasannya

"He also explained that in pre-adolescence and adolescence, the part of the brain responsible for emotional regulation and impulse control has not fully developed."

The condition triggers feelings of uncertainty or anxiety about how they are perceived by others, which may make them reluctant to be photographed. Not to mention if teenagers know that their photos will be uploaded on social media and seen by many people. Not only that, they can also be commented on, which may potentially include negative comments.

Anak Pra Remaja Sangat Sulit untuk Diajak Foto, Ternyata Ini Alasannya

"Teenagers may feel that they cannot compete with the beauty or coolness standards they see on social media and from their peers, which can cause insecurity," expressed Anas.

It is undeniable that there is a possibility that the photo will be uploaded on social media by parents or other applications that can be seen by many people, making the child feel very uncomfortable. If the child really doesn't like it, it is better not to force it and open a discussion to find out the reason.

Try to put yourself in the position of a child and try to empathize. "It is important to remember that every teenager is unique and their reasons may vary. The best approach is to communicate openly and empathetically to understand their individual perspective," message from Anas. Source: IG @anassatriyo.

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