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"Mother Experiences Burnout Caring for a Little One? Here is the Psychologist's Advice"

Natural Mother Experiences Burnout in Taking Care of the Little One? This is the Psychologist's Advice

Dream - Have you ever heard of the term burnout? Quoted from, burnout syndrome describes a condition when someone feels stressed and experiences extreme emotional and physical exhaustion.

Natural Mother Experiences Burnout in Taking Care of the Little One? This is the Psychologist's Advice

"Burnout syndrome describes feelings of failure and exhaustion due to excessive demands on an individual, resulting in stress levels reaching their peak."

Not only happens to those who work but also to housewives who take care of children and the house every day. According to Irma Gustiana, a family psychologist, burnout in mothers is usually characterized by extreme physical and mental exhaustion, as well as a feeling of being unable to cope with daily demands.

"The emergence of feelings of despair in parenting, especially and loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities. Other signs include mood changes, sleep disturbances, and increased irritability, possibly becoming more easily offended," said Irma in a video she uploaded on Instagram @ayankirma."

Natural Mother Experiences Burnout in Taking Care of the Little One? This is the Psychologist's Advice

The condition of burnout in mothers can also be marked by changes in eating habits. It could be a decreased appetite or, on the contrary, excessive eating as compensation for feelings of insecurity.

Is this condition being experienced by Dream friends? If yes, it cannot be ignored. Immediately find a solution to calm it down. Irma revealed that there are several steps that can be taken. The first is to make time to take care of yourself.

"It is necessary to maintain a balance between what is done and also time for oneself. Delegation of tasks can also be done. It is definitely important to prioritize physical health. Mothers need to get enough sleep and also have sufficient nutrition and drink plenty of water," said Irma."

"If you have done those things but the stress and burnout levels have not subsided and have worsened, do not hesitate to seek help. You can consult with a psychologist or psychiatrist."

"Immediately seek help from a doctor or mental health professional, whether it be a psychologist or psychiatrist, to provide further assistance so that the mother's burnout can be overcome and she can carry out her daily functions or roles well," Irma said.

Natural Mother Experiences Burnout in Taking Care of the Little One? This is the Psychologist's Advice
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