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"Holiday, Children Play a Lot of Gadgets, Do 5 Things to Maintain Their Eye Health"

Vacation with Children Playing Gadgets a Lot, Do 5 Things to Maintain Eye Health

Dream - The long school holiday usually makes children spend a lot of time playing gadgets. Starting from playing mobile phones, tablets, PC games to playing console games.

Vacation with Children Playing Gadgets a Lot, Do 5 Things to Maintain Eye Health

This will definitely have an impact on children's eye health. It is important to ensure the health of children's eyes is maintained. Make sure that after the holidays, children do not have any problems with their eye health.

Vacation with Children Playing Gadgets a Lot, Do 5 Things to Maintain Eye Health

Doctor Maria Magdalena Purba, an eye specialist from KMN Eyecare, shares some important tips for parents to maintain the eye health of their children.

1. Eat Healthy Every Day

We are what we eat, have you ever heard of that term? What we eat will have an impact on our body's health, including our eyes. During the holidays, make sure your child gets a balanced and nutritious intake of food.

"Encourage them to make healthy and nutritious food choices as they grow older. Get children accustomed to consuming plenty of vegetables and fresh fruits, grains, and milk. Choose lean meats, poultry, and fish. Include legumes and eggs," said Dr. Maria. Parents can try to maintain their child's eye health by stocking the refrigerator and kitchen with healthy options."

2. Use Eye Protection Tools

Eye injuries in children can occur from many things. Among them are injuries from foreign objects, exposure to chemicals, trauma from sharp objects or blunt trauma. Keeping toys in a safe place can prevent eye injuries for children.

"Choose the appropriate glasses for sports such as swimming, cycling, and sunglasses when traveling to sunny places. Always wear protective glasses for children when around chemicals or when conducting experiments," said Dr. Maria.

3. Fulfill Fluid Needs

The next way to take care of a child's eye health is by maintaining their daily water intake. Babies need 0.7 to 0.8 liters of fluid per day from breast milk or formula, while children need between 4 cups (for 1-year-olds) and 6 to 8 cups per day (for teenagers). Drinking water is the best choice of fluid.

"The condition of dehydration can cause many health problems, including vision problems, such as dry and itchy eyes," said Dr. Maria.

4. Many Play in Open Area

Children need water, sunlight, and fresh air to grow healthy and strong. Outdoor areas are very suitable for promoting healthy living habits and maintaining eye health.

Research shows that the habit of children staring at screens for a long time due to frequent gadget use has contributed to the occurrence of myopia. In addition, make sure the children's play area is safe and keep an eye on their activities to prevent them from playing in dangerous areas.

5. Routine Eye Health Check for Children

Also do regular eye examinations. It is very important to bring your child for regular eye tests. So many children go undiagnosed with eye problems because they do not complain or their abnormalities are not visible to parents.

Children are very easy to adapt and will endure with poor vision, because they are unaware of it. Conducting an eye examination every year will promote eye health and can help address eye health problems early.

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