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Create Melting, Father Very Alert to Tie His Daughter's Hair While Waiting for the Train.

Create Melting, Father Very Alert to Tie His Daughter's Hair While Waiting for the Train.

Bikin 'Meleleh', Ayah Sigap Banget Kuncir Rambut Putrinya Saat Tunggu Kereta

"Dream - Many fathers often feel confused and unaccustomed to being sweet and attentive to their daughters."

Bikin 'Meleleh', Ayah Sigap Banget Kuncir Rambut Putrinya Saat Tunggu Kereta

"While as a girl needs real examples and sees them every day, to know the attitude that a man should do, which is to be responsible and full of tenderness."

Bikin 'Meleleh', Ayah Sigap Banget Kuncir Rambut Putrinya Saat Tunggu Kereta

There are also fathers who are very expressive in showing affection and protection for their beloved children, especially daughters. Like a video that was uploaded on the Tiktok account @a_1_k_0.

Bikin 'Meleleh', Ayah Sigap Banget Kuncir Rambut Putrinya Saat Tunggu Kereta

The owner of the Tiktok account uploaded a video that melted the hearts of many netizens. He showed a father who was so meticulous in styling his daughter's hair.

The father seemed to take out a comb from his bag. He gently tidied up his daughter's hair while waiting for the train at Tebet station. It seemed like he wanted his daughter's hair to be neatly arranged and beautiful. Everything was done with great tenderness. His daughter felt very comfortable when her hair was being styled by her father.

Bikin 'Meleleh', Ayah Sigap Banget Kuncir Rambut Putrinya Saat Tunggu Kereta

"This morning, I saw the father's very sweet treatment towards his daughter while waiting for the train," wrote the account owner in the video caption.

While standing, the father arranges and ties his daughter's hair. They appear so warm and accustomed to behaving warmly and sweetly towards each other. "The father combs and tidies his daughter's hair with superb excitement," wrote in the video uploaded on the Tiktok account @a_1_k_0.

Bikin 'Meleleh', Ayah Sigap Banget Kuncir Rambut Putrinya Saat Tunggu Kereta

Not only that, the father and daughter are also very warm. "Look at them walking while his daughter is being hugged," the caption in the video reads.

The video immediately received a lot of responses from netizens. Many were 'melting' because of the father's sweet gesture of dressing up his daughter. Comments also started pouring in. One of them was from the mother of the child, who revealed that her daughter was taken to her father's office at that time. "Hello @a_1_k_0 .. this is my child on vacation, taken to her father's office," wrote the Mbulan account.

"Father is a child's first love ❤️," wrote Reza Zani. "Lucky for a daughter to be close to her father, my father and I feel like strangers 😔," responded Riri Awidia Lestari."

@a_1_k_0 nangis banget ngeditnyaaa... om baik, maaf aku g sempet izin ambil video, keburu krl nya dateng... kalau video ini sampai di om atau putri om, saya minta izin posting. om nya udh notice, saya tag ya @erickricardo573 tetap jd ayah yg dibanggakan anaknya ya om. sehat2 kalian berdua... #ayah #keluarga #krlcommuterline #ptkai #keretaapiindonesia #ceritapagi #morningstory #ptkaiindonesia ##ayahhebat #ayahakurindu ♬ Yang Terbaik Bagimu (Jangan Lupakan Ayah) [feat. Gita Gutawa] - Ada Band
Bikin 'Meleleh', Ayah Sigap Banget Kuncir Rambut Putrinya Saat Tunggu Kereta
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