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Cara Usir Cicak dan Lalat Hanya Modal 3 Bahan yang Ada di Rumah

How to Repel Lizards and Flies with Only 3 Ingredients Available at Home

Cara Usir Cicak dan Lalat, Hanya Modal 3 Bahan yang Ada di Rumah

Dream - Several parts of the house are usually frequented by lizards and flies. Usually, these areas are damp and have many remnants of food, such as dining tables, kitchens, or storage areas.

Cara Usir Cicak dan Lalat, Hanya Modal 3 Bahan yang Ada di Rumah

The presence of lizards and flies is certainly very disturbing. Not only uncomfortable, but these two animals can also carry diseases.

"Not to mention geckos, often they release a lot of dirt that then accumulates, dries, and is difficult to clean. Eventually, it becomes a stain and is difficult to clean both on the floor and on the walls. There is actually an easy way to repel these two annoying animals. Instagram account @diidii_winfleu shared a trick that they do at home to repel geckos and flies."

Cara Usir Cicak dan Lalat, Hanya Modal 3 Bahan yang Ada di Rumah

"It turns out that he made three concoctions from household ingredients that are very easy. Curious about how? Let's find out."

Ramuan Cengkeh dan Cuka

"Ramuan Cengkeh dan Cuka" translates to "Cloves and Vinegar Potion" in English.

Prepare a small plastic container, fill it with vinegar until half full. Then, put in about 10 cloves or a handful.

Put the container in a place frequently visited by geckos. Eventually, the geckos will no longer come because of the strong smell of vinegar and cloves that geckos and flies do not like.

Ramuan Sereh dan Cuka

"The recipe for Lemongrass and Vinegar"

Other ingredients are lemongrass and vinegar. Slice one stalk of lemongrass into small pieces. Put it in a container and pour vinegar.

Place the container containing lemongrass and vinegar in an area that is often visited by geckos. Eventually, there will be no more geckos passing by and causing disturbance. Flies will also no longer fly around. "There will be no more geckos that make the floor dirty or flies buzzing" in the room with this concoction," he wrote.

Cengkeh dan Sereh

"Cengkeh dan Sereh" translates to "Cloves and Lemongrass" in English.

According to the account owner @diidii_winfleu, you can also mix slices of lemongrass and a handful of cloves with vinegar. Add a little laundry perfume to neutralize the strong acidic smell of vinegar.

This vinegar mixture, according to Didi, will be very pungent for the first two days. Therefore, he reduces it by using laundry perfume to make the room smell better. Worth trying at home, Dream friends.

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