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3 Disorders that Cause Children to Fall When Walking

3 Disorders that Cause Children to Fall When Walking

3 Kelainan yang Sebabkan Anak Suka Jatuh Saat Berjalan

Dream - In accordance with the stages of growth and development, a three-year-old child is normally able to walk well. Unfortunately, some children are still not fluent, often fall, and even get injured.

3 Kelainan yang Sebabkan Anak Suka Jatuh Saat Berjalan

That certainly worries parents. Many things make a child unable to walk at that age. It could be because they are not yet balanced or prefer challenges.

"Children tend to fall easily. Some children may fall more often than others," said Dr. Theresia Rina Yunita. According to her, until around the age of three, toddlers will experience clumsiness because their muscles and bones are developing rapidly. "Furthermore, there is also a lack of coordination due to the nerves not yet fully mature," she added.

Actually, there are common causes when children walk, namely because the muscles and bones of the little one are still in the process of growth. According to Dr. Theresia, a child's mind also works faster than their legs in catching messages. Therefore, they are prone to stumbling and falling.

3 Kelainan yang Sebabkan Anak Suka Jatuh Saat Berjalan

"In very extreme cases, it could also indicate a health problem or abnormality when a child frequently falls while walking. This should be taken seriously."

1. Vision Problems

"In children with visual impairments, they will more often fall due to the difficulty in guessing their surrounding environment conditions," said Dr. Theresia.

1. Vision Problems

2. Juvenile Arthritis

is an autoimmune disease that affects children and teenagers. Symptoms of this disease include pain, redness in the joints, and swelling.

2. Artritis Juvenil

3. Dyspraxia

Dyspraxia is a term for a neurological disorder that makes it difficult for someone to plan and process motor tasks. This condition is also known as developmental coordination disorder (DCD).


When should I see a doctor?

If a child often falls, try to pay attention to the frequency and habits. Children do need time to be able to walk perfectly. If they frequently get injured and don't show reflexes when about to fall, such as reaching out their hands or holding back, parents should be suspicious.

Then if after falling, the child does not attempt to get up or there is muscle weakness that worsens, immediately consult a doctor. Later, the doctor will conduct a thorough examination to know in detail the condition and walking habits of the child. Source: KlikDokter

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