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Fakta-fakta Pemakaian Vape pada Anak Remaja, Bisa Ganggu Perkembangan Otak

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Facts about Vape Usage in Teenagers, Can Disrupt Brain Development".

Facts about Vape Usage in Teenagers, Can Disrupt Brain Development

Dream - The use of vape among teenagers is becoming increasingly popular. The appearance of this electronic cigarette is indeed very attractive, small, easy to hide, with many color and flavor options.

Facts about Vape Usage in Teenagers, Can Disrupt Brain Development

This makes electric cigarettes so popular among teenagers. Another thing that makes this cigarette so widely used is that many people consider it healthier and safer compared to regular cigarettes.

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Factually, it is not the case. The World Health Organization (WHO) even requested all countries to ban the use of flavored electronic cigarettes. Until now, there are 34 countries in the world that prohibit the use of vaping, such as Thailand, Singapore, Brazil, India, and Iran."

"Of course, the use of vape/electronic cigarettes has raised a series of serious health problems, especially in teenagers who are still in the stage of growth and development. Here are the adverse effects of vape that can arise if used by teenage children. "

1. Chemical Hazards in Vape

Quoted from, vape contains various chemicals that have the potential to be harmful. One example is diacetyl, which is often used to give a buttery taste to the vapor.

1. Bahaya Kimiawi dalam Vape

Diacetyl is closely related to serious lung diseases, such as bronchiolitis obliterans, also known as "popcorn lung". In addition, when vape liquid is heated, this process can produce carcinogenic aldehydes such as formaldehyde or trigger cancer. The level of carcinogens in vape is indeed lower compared to conventional cigarettes, but there is still a health risk, especially with long-term use.

2. Disturbance in Brain Development

Teenagers tend to be full of curiosity. Usually, when they see a vape because of its shape, color, and taste, they want to try it.

2. Disturbance in Brain Development

Please note, just like cigarettes, vape contains nicotine which can cause addiction and have negative impacts on teenage brain development. Additionally, studies show that teenagers who start with vaping are more likely to switch to conventional cigarettes, putting them at additional health risks.

3. Cardiovascular and Respiratory Disease Risks

The use of vape can have negative effects on the cardiovascular system. Nicotine increases heart rate and blood pressure, which can lead to heart problems.

3. Risiko Penyakit Kardiovaskular dan Respirasi

In addition, there is evidence that shows vaping can trigger an inflammatory response in the body that is risky for heart health. The impact on the respiratory system is also significant. Although vaping may not produce tar like conventional cigarettes, its vapor can cause irritation and inflammation in the respiratory tract, as well as affect lung function. Source: Ministry of Health.

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