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"4 Signs that the Expressed Breast Milk is No Longer Suitable for Consumption"

4 Tanda Stok ASI Perah Sudah Tak Layak Minum

Dream - Squeezing breast milk (ASI) is a solution that many mothers do to stock up on milk. This is to ensure that when the mother has to leave, the milk supply for the baby remains safe.

4 Tanda Stok ASI Perah Sudah Tak Layak Minum

"Especially if the baby is still exclusively breastfeeding, which is from 0 to 6 months old. With the presence of expressed breast milk or formula milk, the father can also take over the mother's position to provide milk."

When the mother is resting and the baby wakes up, breast milk can be directly given by the father. To store this breast milk, it must be kept in the refrigerator. If you want to store it for a long time, it is better to put it in a special freezer. Breast milk stored in the freezer can last for 3 to 6 months.

"In certain conditions, this breast milk stock may not be in good condition. It can be said that it has been contaminated by bacteria and is no longer suitable for consumption. This may be due to improper storage, non-sterile packaging, or exposure to dirt. It is important for parents to know the characteristics of breast milk that is no longer suitable for drinking. There are four signs that should be noted."

1. The aroma is not pleasant.

Breast milk has a unique aroma, and many assume that the smell indicates spoilage. Actually, it's not always the case, because breast milk sometimes takes on the scent of what the mother consumes.

1. The aroma is not pleasant.

"Unlike if the breast milk smells rancid and fishy, as it could be a sign of spoiled breast milk. If you smell a very unpleasant and foul odor, do not give it to the little one, okay."

2. Breast Milk Clotting

After being pumped and stored in the refrigerator, breast milk will appear to be divided into two layers. The top layer has a thicker and richer texture, while the bottom layer will feel thinner.

2. Breast Milk Clotting

In breast milk that is still suitable for consumption, both parts can still blend together when the breast milk is thawed and then heated. Meanwhile, in spoiled breast milk, both parts will remain separate and clump together. Both parts cannot be dissolved even if stirred.

3. Sour Taste

If you smell an unpleasant odor from breast milk, make sure to try it first before giving it to your little one. If the breast milk tastes sour or like spoiled food, it is better not to give it to the baby.

3. Rasanya Asam

This indicates that expressed breast milk is no longer safe to consume due to bacterial contamination. Dispose of it immediately and check other bottles. It could also be due to non-sterile packaging.

4. Warnanya Berubah

4. The color changes

"For breast milk color, the normal color is white or it can also be slightly yellowish. The color of breast milk also depends on the composition of foremilk and hindmilk in it."

The higher the content of foremilk (breast milk that comes out at the beginning of a breastfeeding session), the whiter and more diluted the color of the breast milk will be. Conversely, the more hindmilk (breast milk with a high fat content), the more yellowish its color will be. For spoiled breast milk, there may be a change in color. It may appear cloudy, dark, or not fresh-looking. Source: KlikDokter

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