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"Save the Toddler, Surgeon Blows Oxygen While Operating Until Fainting"

Save Toddlers, Surgeon Blows Oxygen While Operating Until Fainting

Dream - To save a patient's life, a doctor will definitely try their best, especially when they are in the operating room. Just like the struggle of a 64-year-old Chinese surgeon, Zhong Yan.

Save Toddlers, Surgeon Blows Oxygen While Operating Until Fainting

Doctor Zhong performed the operation while blowing air into the lungs of his toddler patient. This was done for 30 minutes and it made him faint.

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "That was done for 30 minutes until it made him faint. Doctor Zhong is a senior surgeon at Jiaozuo Women and Children's Hospital in Henan. According to China Central Television (CCTV) report on the evening of December 24th, a 17-month-old boy was rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment due to choking on a peanut."

Save Toddlers, Surgeon Blows Oxygen While Operating Until Fainting

Doctor Zhong then cleaned his airway and emptied his stomach, but during the examination the next morning, they found several pieces of peanuts in his lungs.

Save Toddlers, Surgeon Blows Oxygen While Operating Until Fainting

The doctor then decided on a surgical procedure to remove it. On the operating table, Dr. Zhong noticed that the child's blood oxygen level was too low.

Doctor Zhong then removed the oxygen mask that was attached to the child. He began to blow air into the child's lungs through a bronchoscope.

"Operation While Blowing Air"

During the operation, which lasted for 30 minutes, Zhong alternated between performing the operation and blowing air. When the procedure was almost finished, he said to his colleagues, "I cannot continue." He then fainted in the operating room.

Save Toddlers, Surgeon Blows Oxygen While Operating Until Fainting

"During that time, I felt a sensation of pressure in my chest and numbness in my limbs. I was sweating a lot and my clothes and gloves stuck to my body," said Zhong.

Doctor Zhong regained consciousness after his colleagues gave him glucose and oxygen. The first thing Dr. Zhong asked after waking up was about his young patient. "I'm fine. Please check if the lung ventilation volume of the child is okay," he said.

"Operation Successful"

After Doctor Zhong fainted, the handling of the toddler patient was taken over by another doctor who is more junior. At least 10 peanuts were successfully removed from the baby's lungs. The baby's parents were very grateful, they cried and expressed their gratitude to Zhong and the doctor team who had worked hard to save their child. Source: SCMP

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