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Play Hide and Seek Recommended by Psychologists So Children Won't Easily Get Anxious When Left Behind

Hide and Seek is Recommended by Psychologists so that Children don't Easily Get Anxious when Left Alone

Dream - There is one game that is highly recommended to be played regularly by parents and toddlers, namely hide and seek and peekaboo. Do mom and dad often play it at home with their little one?

Hide and Seek is Recommended by Psychologists so that Children don't Easily Get Anxious when Left Alone

Who would have thought, these two games can help children under the age of five not easily get anxious when left behind. Perhaps fathers and mothers often feel confused when they have to leave their little one to go to the toilet.

They can become very anxious, even to the point of crying hysterically when they don't see their parents in front of their eyes. Anastasia Satriyo, M.Psi., a family psychologist, explains that children under the age of three or toddlers are indeed very prone to anxiety and crying when they are left by someone they know.

"Toddler children (aged 1-3 years) cannot yet understand the concept of time 'later', '5-10 minutes later'. Their brain only understands the concept of 'now'. The brain of a toddler child cannot yet comprehend and differentiate 'this is a permanent separation, I am being left by someone who is very important and loved by the child,'" expressed Anas."

Hide and Seek and Ciluk Ba

According to Anas, the brain of a toddler is still primarily developing in the limbic area, which is the area of emotional and motor development. As well as in the area of simple language development, assisted by repeated visual images. This can only be understood by a toddler.

Hide and Seek is Recommended by Psychologists so that Children don't Easily Get Anxious when Left Alone

"For that reason, Anas highly recommends parents to frequently play hide and seek and peekaboo with their little ones at home."

Hide and Seek is Recommended by Psychologists so that Children don't Easily Get Anxious when Left Alone

This can help him remember that a temporarily 'missing' parent is not a scary thing.

"Play hide and seek more often in a safe and predictable environment such as a bedroom or inside the house for toddlers. This includes playing peek-a-boo and hiding objects covered with cloth or a tablecloth," said Anas.

Anas explained the hide-and-seek game that was repeated many times, also cilukba will be recorded in the myelin of the nerves and neurons of toddlers' brains. Eventually, slowly, toddlers begin to understand the concept that when their mother disappears into the bathroom with the door closed, she will reappear and come back. "The feeling of safety, happiness, and comfort that the child's brain experiences when they reunite after playing hide-and-seek will be remembered by the child's brain and become the foundation of understanding that if they go to the bathroom, work all day, or go to school, they will meet again," said Anas. Source: IG @anassatriyo

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