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Father and Mother, Anies Baswedan will activate Daycare and 40-day Paternity Leave.

Father and Mother, Anies Baswedan will activate Daycare and 40-day Paternity Leave.

Father and Mother, Anies Baswedan Promises to Activate Daycare and Create a 40-Day Paternity Leave Policy

"Dream - Childcare is a complex matter and often burdened solely on mothers. However, in order to build strong mentalities in children, an active role of fathers is needed in daily childcare."

Father and Mother, Anies Baswedan Promises to Activate Daycare and Create a 40-Day Paternity Leave Policy

Not to mention if the mother also works and contributes to the family's economy. No wonder there is a saying that not only parents are needed to take care of children, but also a whole village.

Father and Mother, Anies Baswedan Promises to Activate Daycare and Create a 40-Day Paternity Leave Policy

Regarding this matter, Presidential Candidate number 1, Anies Rasyid Baswedan, has created a special program. He revealed that he will build quality Daycare or childcare centers and lactation rooms if elected.

"This is a long-standing problem that needs to be resolved, so what can we do? We need to establish daycare centers, places for child care. Then, high-quality lactation rooms in workplaces to support women who work so that they can continue working while taking care of and nurturing their children," said Anies during the Desak Anies event at Half Patiunus, South Jakarta, Thursday, January 18, 2024, as quoted from"

According to Anies, the Daycare program is not something new that he planned. He has previously implemented daycare development when he served as the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud). "When I was working at the Ministry of Education and Culture, we established a daycare in the most strategic location in the main building of the ministry, and it was created with the best world-class Daycare standards," he said.

Apparently, the idea of the daycare couldn't run in the long term. Because, the daycare at Kemendikbud has been demolished. "Unfortunately, that place has been demolished now. For me, the most important and especially early childhood education, and one of them is daycare in the early age before they enter PAUD," he said. Not only at Kemendikbud, Anies also created daycare when he served as the Governor of DKI Jakarta. At that time, he created a total of 32 daycares.

Father's Leave 40 Days

One more program from Anies that is expected to support optimal child care is to change a policy related to a husband's leave if his wife gives birth. In the future, these fathers will be given a 40-day leave.

Father and Mother, Anies Baswedan Promises to Activate Daycare and Create a 40-Day Paternity Leave Policy

"Fathers also take maternity leave, which usually lasts only 2 days in various places for husbands, we want to change it to 40 days for husbands," said Anies."

This will be done by the former Governor of DKI Jakarta, so that the husband can be involved in taking care of the child in the early phase. "So that he can be truly involved in the early phase, the early phase when the miracle comes. Because a baby is like a given miracle," she said. Source:

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