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Tak Boleh Berikan Obat Batuk yang Dijual Bebas untuk Anak di Bawah Usia 2 Tahun

"Cannot Give Over-the-Counter Cough Medicine for Children Under 2 Years Old"

Cannot Give Over-the-Counter Cough Medicine to Children Under 2 Years Old

"Dream - Cough and cold symptoms are common in children, especially those under the age of five. When a child is affected by a virus or perhaps tired and cold, cough and cold symptoms appear."

Cannot Give Over-the-Counter Cough Medicine to Children Under 2 Years Old

It cannot be denied, there is worry when seeing a child experiencing a disruptive cough and cold. Especially if the child has difficulty sleeping because of these symptoms.

In this condition, many parents choose to give medicine that is widely sold in the market, usually in the form of syrup. Many are unaware that cough and cold medicine that is widely sold in pharmacies should not be given indiscriminately to children under 2 years old.

Scientific evidence for the use of OTC cough and cold medicine is very limited. In fact, there is evidence of an increase in adverse events that can be caused by the use of such drugs," said Dr. Yuni, a pediatric specialist. There are several negative effects that can occur when children under the age of two are given over-the-counter cough and cold medicine. First, the medicine may not necessarily relieve symptoms, but instead may have the opposite effect.

"Some cough medicines have serious side effects. Such as speeding up heart rate, slowing down children's breathing, risk of seizures,"
"revealed by Dr. Yuni."


Cannot Give Over-the-Counter Cough Medicine to Children Under 2 Years Old

The second risk is that the administration of these over-the-counter drugs is highly risky when given in overdose. Usually, this happens unintentionally or due to a lack of proper education about the medication, as it is purchased without a doctor's guidance.

"If children under 2 years old are given cough and cold medicine, make sure parents read the drug facts to know the active ingredients in the medicine."

"revealed by Dr. Yuni."

Then the three effectiveness of the drug content may not be supported by the function of the child's body which is still very small. Sometimes it even triggers a more severe body reaction.

Do This When a Child Under 2 Years Old Has a Cough and Cold.

Coughing is a natural reflex in children, which is the body's mechanism to clean the respiratory tract and lungs from self-contained microorganisms and foreign objects.

Lakukan Hal Ini Saat Anak Kurang dari 2 Tahun Batuk Pilek<br>

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Things that can be done to make the little one comfortable when coughing and having a cold is to help alleviate it. The way to do it is by providing plenty of fluids such as water, breast milk, or soupy food."

"For children over 1 year old, you can give 2-5 ml of honey in the morning and before bedtime. You can also apply balm containing menthol to the throat and chest of the child to relieve their breathing. If the symptoms do not improve or worsen within three days, do not hesitate to immediately consult a doctor, Father and Mother. Source: IG @dryunianak"

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