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Remaja Perempuan Rentan Insecure, Orangtua Penting Lakukan 3 Hal Ini

"Teenage Girls Vulnerable to Insecurity, Parents Important to Do These 3 Things"

Teenage Girls Vulnerable to Insecurity, Parents Important to Do These 3 Things

Dream - Growing up as a girl where physical perfection becomes the benchmark, often makes a teenager feel a loss of self-confidence.

Teenage Girls Vulnerable to Insecurity, Parents Important to Do These 3 Things

Skin full of acne, skin not fair, hair not straight, body not slim, so it often makes teenage girls insecure.

"Not to mention the perfect image they see on social media every day, both from influencers and celebrities. Whether they like it or not, it greatly influences the 'standard' of beauty. Teenage girls can be said to be very vulnerable to feeling insecure or anxious about their own condition."

According to Gracia Ivonika, a psychologist, feelings of insecurity in teenagers can be caused by various factors. "Some of these factors include feeling unsafe or not being accepted in the environment, as well as the parenting style," she said.

Of course, as parents, we do not want our children to feel insecure for a long time. Well, here are some tips shared by Gracia for parents when their teenage daughters feel insecure. 1. Open Discussion When a child complains about their condition, whether it's physical or other things, don't judge immediately. Try to listen and open a two-way discussion. Build good communication with your child so that they don't feel awkward when they want to tell anything to their parents.

"Get used to engaging in two-way communication with your child, for example by asking open-ended questions or validating their feelings," said Gracia. Try to empathize and put yourself in their shoes when your child is feeling insecure and lacking confidence. Ask them why they feel insecure and try to help them by finding solutions together so that they can become more confident."

2. Jadi Contoh yang Baik

2. So, Be a Good Example

According to Gracia, children will observe and learn from how their parents handle difficulties, interact with others, and value themselves.

If their parents do good and have good self-confidence, it means that the father and mother are on the right track. On the contrary, if parents often speak rudely, complain, gossip, and make negative comments about many things, it is likely that the child will perceive such behavior as normal. They are also highly likely to imitate it. "Be a role model by appearing as a calm parent, including when facing a child's behavior that provokes emotions," said Gracia.

"It also suggests parents to be more open, willing to apologize when wrong, and not hesitate to thank their children. Taking the time to share with children is also very important. 'Parents also have to play a role in building their child's self-confidence. The way to do this is by making positive comments about oneself as a parent, whether it's about appearance, career, or life in general,' said Gracia."

3. Give Appreciation 

According to Gracia, it is important to instill self-confidence in children from an early age. One way to do this is by giving appreciation, no matter how small the child's achievements.

3. Give Appreciation 

"Insecurity or low self-esteem is generally caused by negative self-talk statements that belittle oneself. Therefore, as parents, it is important to be emotionally present in order to provide a sense of security for the child. Thus, the child will feel valued and loved completely within the family. Do not be stingy with praise, and always show appreciation to the child whenever they do something good. Also, provide support and encouragement every time they are going to engage in activities outside the house, whether related to school or not."

"Appreciate every achievement of a child, no matter how small. Also, value every effort they have made, even if it doesn't meet the parents' expectations," Gracia said. Source:"

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