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Aesthetic and Instagrammable Portraits of 5 Indonesian Artists' Houses, Making You Feel at Home!
Aesthetic and Instagrammable Portraits of 5 Indonesian Artists' Houses, Making You Feel at Home! Dwi Sasono and Natalie Sarah (Photo: @natalie_sarahs/@dwisasono)

Dream - Not only emphasizing luxury, many celebrities design their homes to look more aesthetic and Instagrammable. In addition to the need for beauty, the created design also prioritizes comfort for the residents and guests. 

The concept adopted by these celebrities makes several areas in their homes become attractive photo spots to be uploaded to Instagram or other social media. For those who don't like to show their faces, guests can enjoy these celebrity homes that please the eyes.

Many celebrities make their homes their living and working spaces. This time, Dream will explore five aesthetically pleasing and Instagrammable celebrity homes.

1. Andien Aisyah's Tropical House

Andien Aisyah's House

Photo: @andienippekawatabi

Jazz singer with a unique voice has a house with an ethnic tropical design. The cool and comfortable impression is very felt in Andien Aisyah's house.

2. Cella Kotak's Modern House

Cella Kotak's House

Photo: @cellanadalam

Then there is Cella Kotak's house, which looks aesthetic with an industrial modern concept. The house is comfortable and very Instagrammable.

3. Natalie Sarah's Enchanting House

Natalie Sarah's House

Photo: @natalie_sarahs

Natalie Sarah's house also looks aesthetic. Not only inside the rooms, but the backyard area around the swimming pool also looks so enchanting and Instagrammable. Take a look at the appearance of Natalie Sarah's house.

4. Ringgo Agus Rahman, Modern and Refreshing

Ringgo Agus Rahman's House

Photo: @ringgoagu

Ringgo Agus Rahman's house also looks aesthetic. The addition of caricatures on the walls adds an interesting impression to the house. He also adds decorative plants, giving a refreshing impression.

5. Dwi Sasono's Serene House

Dwi Sasono's House

Photo: @dwisasono

Not only aesthetic and Instagrammable, Dwi Sasono and Widi Mulia's house is also serene. The cool and refreshing atmosphere is felt in this celebrity couple's house due to the abundance of green plants in almost every area of the house.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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